A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

Updated: Jan. 06, 2023

Spread a little happiness with these nice things to say to friends, colleagues, and even total strangers.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “It’s so good to see you”

Start any interaction on a good note by simply sharing your excitement about seeing someone. Right off the bat, the other person will know that you aren’t just getting together out of obligation or chance—you’re truly happy to be in that person’s presence. Suddenly, especially when paired with trust-building body language, that person could be more willing to open up and share details that might not have come up if you’d had a more neutral greeting.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I’m so impressed”

Whether the other person did a great job answering questions after a presentation or handled bad traffic without getting road rage, give a specific reason you’re impressed. Pointing to specific actions will show that you’re sincere. The other person will be flattered that you noticed the little things. Check out these other tips for giving sincere compliments.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “You’ve come so far”

When a goal still seems far away, it can be easy to get disheartened. If a loved one is working towards a goal, praise that person on the hard work that goes in all along the way. Maybe a smoker has drastically cut down on daily cigarettes, or a friend trying to lose weight has been impressively diligent about getting to the gym? Whatever it is, remind the person that the hard work isn’t going to waste, and motivate him or her to keep up the efforts.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I’d love to get your opinion”

If you’re feeling stuck and need advice, think hard about the best person to ask for advice. Requesting someone’s thoughts on a matter lets the other person know how important his or her opinions are to you. By singling that person out as your go-to for advice, you’re expressing that you trust his or her judgment. The advice-giver will likely get a confidence boost, feeling like an expert in relationships, career advancement, or whatever else you need help with. Now listen closely and actually consider the person’s guidance instead of brushing it off.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I took your advice”

Even better than asking for advice? Applying it. If you followed someone’s suggestion and ended up with great results, let that person know. He or she will likely appreciate knowing how helpful the advice was, and you’ll get a happiness boost when that person expresses excitement for you. Here are some easy ways to improve your mood.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I’d love to hear more”

People can tell when you’re not really interested in what they have to say. Be a good listener and show you’re eager to hear about the other person’s thoughts and experiences. He or she will likely be flattered and trust you more, meaning you’ll get to hear more details and build a closer relationship. As the person opens up, use these habits of great listeners.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I feel my best self with you”

Acknowledging a person’s success is one thing, but showing the personal impact they have on others can feel even better. Some people just bring out your best—you know, the ones who make you laugh more and complain less. Let those people know how happy you are around them, and how their cheerful attitudes means more than they realize. Check out some of the best compliments we’ve received.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I really appreciate you”

Whether it’s your partner’s weekly bathroom cleanup or the cheerful email blasts from your coworker, express your appreciation. Little acts like those can be easy to overlook, so showing how grateful you are will make the person realize what a positive affect he or she has on you.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “What a great outfit”

Chances are, you probably see at least one outfit every day that you wish was in your own closet. If possible, let the person wearing it know. You can bet the fashion-forward person will suddenly make that ensemble a go-to, feeling confident every time he or she pulls it on.

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Nicole Fornabaio/Rd.com, iStock

Say: “I’m proud of myself”

Don’t leave all the compliments for other people and ignore your own achievements. Take time for some self-love and mentally note your persistence, listening skills, tough workout, or anything else you happen to be proud of that day. Pretty soon, you’ll love what you see in the mirror instead of automatically scanning for flaws. Find more ways to stop negative self talk here.