We spend a lot of money on our cars and a lot of time in them. That’s why it’s so important to keep up with car maintenance. But, no one wants to have to shell out a bunch of cash in the process. The good news is that you don’t have to. The perfect polish for your car’s dashboard is already in your cupboard.

Why oil is the best dashboard polish

A little oil from the kitchen will make your dashboard look as new as the day you drove it off the lot. Allstate Car Insurance and Elite Auto Repair suggest using olive oil, but any oil will do, whether it’s olive, vegetable, or coconut oil. Petroleum jelly is a favorite amongst car enthusiasts, according to the Polymer Science Learning Center.

How to clean your dashboard with oil

Natural oils will restore shine while conditioning the surface of your dashboard. This will help to prevent cracking and fading caused by UV rays that bombard your dashboard over time. Just apply a small amount on a clean soft cloth and wipe down your dashboard. Test this out on a small unnoticeable area first to make sure that no discoloration occurs and that you’re pleased with the results. Smearing oil on your car might seem strange, but here are 10 things you should actually never do to your car.

Cost effective and chemical-free

Using oil eliminates the funky stench caused by chemical cleaners. It also saves you money! You can spend between $2 and $10 on a bottle of chemical-filled car interior cleaner. You can put that money back in your pocket since it’s you likely already have some oil in the house.

Now you have one less plastic bottle taking up space in your home that will ultimately end up in the trash or at the recycling plant. So, using oil on your dashboard is good for your car, your wallet, and the environment!

The Family Handyman
Originally Published on The Family Handyman