14 Hilarious Tweets Only Left-Handers Will Truly Understand

Updated: May 24, 2021

International Lefthanders Day, on August 13, celebrates lefties around the globe, and also raises awareness of the daily issues lefties face as they navigate a world designed for "righties." Here are 14 hilarious tweets that only Southpaws will understand!

Cramping my style


Cut it out


Bathroom hack


The cup is half empty

Batter up—or not

Check out the myths and facts about lefties.

Luck of the Lefty

Smudge City


What nightmares are made of

Hey, it’s legible

Cuppa Joe for Righties

Don’t miss the surprising benefits of being left-handed.

The coffee struggle is real…


Here we go loopdie-loop…

I didn’t want tuna, anyway

They must not be doctors, though….