WordleBot 2.0 Is a Game-Changer for Wordle Fans

Updated: Mar. 30, 2023

The New York Times WordleBot will take your Wordle game to the next level. We explain the tool's new upgrades.

Over the course of the pandemic, Wordle has become a staple of my daily routine. And according to CNBC, millions of players around the world can relate to Wordle-mania. If you’re one of those players, the game may be part of your daily brain game regimen and, at times, one of the word puzzles that leave you stumped. What’s more, there’s now a Wordle board game to break out at your next game night, too!

So, how can you improve your Wordle game and keep your Wordle streak going strong?

Look no further than WordleBot 2.0.

What is WordleBot?

Back in April, the New York Times came out with the original WordleBot—”a tool that will take your completed Wordle and analyze it for you,” also known as your very own “Wordle assistant.” And now, the Times has launched WordleBot 2.0, a modified version of the tool complete with a new algorithm to help you become an even better Wordle player. That’s right, there’s a tool that will look over your completed Wordle and give you feedback, like your very own Wordle tutor.

The algorithm also allows WordleBot to calculate the probability of various English words as potential solutions, based on past puzzles and an encoded dictionary of 4,500 words known to the bot.

How does it work?

After completing the Wordle of the day, open WordleBot in a separate browser. The tool grades you on a scale of 0 to 99 in categories like skill and luck, compared with the New York Times average. It will also compare the number of steps it took you to find a solution with the Times average. WordleBot’s thorough analysis will also outline each of your guesses along with alternatives you could have tried from there, or indicate if your guess was the best possible one at that point.

And WordleBot doesn’t hold back with its feedback. It praises you on your best attempts—and also lets you know if your guess wasn’t its favorite, to say the least.

After grading your skill, WordleBot will compare your solutions with its own and give you a rundown of your fellow Wordle players’ most common guesses. It will also break down other players’ attempts to solve the puzzle.

What’s the best word to start with on Wordle?

Since the introduction of WordleBot 2.0, the new go-to start word WordleBot recommends to kick off your daily Wordle is “SLATE.” Its original pick was “CRANE.” So why the change?

WordleBot’s new algorithm and the addition of its 4,500-word dictionary resulted in the dethroning of “CRANE” as the top Wordle first-guess choice (though the creators say “CRANE” is still a strong starting word!). Knowing the most common letters in the English language may also help you minimize your Wordle guesses!

Is WordleBot free?

Unfortunately, WordleBot is for Times Games, News or All Access subscribers only. However, you can still access Wordle for free. And for the cheapest access to WordleBot, the Times Games subscription is just 75 cents a week.

Now that you have a new tool to change the way you Wordle, happy playing!


  • New York Times: “Introducing WordleBot, the Upshot’s Daily Wordle Companion”
  • New York Times: “Introducing WordleBot 2.0”
  • CNBC: “The New York Times is buying Wordle, the game that exploded in popularity this month”
  • The Verge: “Wordle’s upgraded Worldebot has a new recommended starting word”