A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Funny & Humor - Riddles

Riddle me this: You love riddles, but you haven’t seen our collection of funny (and difficult) riddles? That’s an answer that doesn’t make sense! Test your smarts with some of our best riddles.

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“I Met a Man on the London Bridge” Riddle: Try to Solve the Viral Riddle

Just like the English nursery rhyme, the "London Bridge" riddle has taken the world by storm. Don't fall down trying to solve it!

The “Four Hat” Riddle: Try to Solve the Viral Riddle

The numbers are small, but the stakes are high in the "four hat" riddle. We tip our hat to whomever...

How Many Numbers Are on a Clock? Try to Solve the Viral Riddle

If you've got the time, we've got the riddle. And it's time for a riddle about time: How many numbers...

“Who Killed Mrs. Smith?” Riddle: Try to Solve the Viral Riddle

When Mrs. Smith is murdered, every suspect has a plausible alibi—or so it seems. Can you solve the viral "Who...