A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Marriage Jokes

Live on the fun side of marriage with our wife jokes and funny husband jokes.

Marriage can be tough. But for better or for worse, these marriage jokes and wedding puns will have you doubling over laughing. Check out our collection of love jokes for an extra laugh.

Love Days

Enclosed with the heartworm pills my friend received from a veterinarian was a sheet of red heart stickers to place on a calendar as a reminder to give her pet...

Running Errands

I work for a security company that transports cash, and part of my job is to work with police if a crew is robbed. One afternoon my wife and I...

Always Right

My granddaughter’s wedding, the DJ polled the guests to see who had been married the longest. Since it turned out to be my husband and me, the DJ asked us,...

Asking for Assistance

A couple we know were in Lamaze class, where they had an activity requiring the husband to wear a bag of sand—to give him an idea of what it feels...

Beautiful Sight

I was bending over to wipe up a spill on the kitchen floor when my wife walked into the room behind me. "See anything you like?" I asked suggestively. "Yeah,"...


While a woman is keeping vigil beside her husband’s deathbed, he says to her, "Before I die, I have something to confess to you." "Shh, not now," she replies. "But...


My husband is wonderful with our baby daughter, but often turns to me for advice. Recently I was in the shower when he poked his head in to ask, "What...

Criminal Thinking

To our shock and horror, my sister-in-law and I realized we had each been married nearly 50 years. "That’s a long time," I observed. "A long, long time," she agreed....

Divorce Settlement

Once my divorce was final, I went to the local Department of Motor Vehicles and asked to have my maiden name reinstated on my driver’s license. "Will there be any...

Eating Issues

A member of a diet club bemoaned her lack of will-power. She’d made her family’s favorite cake over the weekend, she explained, and they’d eaten half of it. The next...

Exercise Route

My husband bought an exercise machine to help him shed a few pounds. He set it up in the basement but didn’t use it much, so he moved it to...

Fat Jump

Although I was only a few pounds overweight, my wife was harping on me to diet. One evening we took a brisk walk downtown, and I surprised her by jumping...

From Two Different Worlds

In Nevada, my husband and I attended the wedding of a man and woman of different faiths. A Protestant minister and a Catholic priest performed an ecumenical marriage ceremony. In...

Hearing Problems

I think my wife’s going deaf," Joe told their doctor. "Try to test her hearing at home and let me know how severe her problem is before you bring her...

Just Say No

Recently engaged, my brother-in-law Jeff brought his fiancée home to meet the family. When asked if she was enjoying herself, she politely replied yes. "She would say that," Jeff interjected....

Knocked Out

I was about to leave the house on an errand, and my husband was getting ready for a dental appointment. "I wish we could trade places," I said, knowing how...

Large Servings

Needing to shed a few pounds, my husband and I went on a diet that had specific recipes for each meal of the day. I followed the instructions closely, dividing...

Last One Out

For our 20th anniversary my husband and I vacationed in Hawaii, where we went snorkeling. After an hour in the water everyone got back on the boat, except for me...

Literally Speaking

One day my housework-challenged husband decided to wash his sweatshirt. Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to me, "What setting do I use on the washing...

Mapping it Out

For my fourth Caesarian section I opted for a bikini incision, which, along with the previous scars, would form an arrow on my tummy. "Honey," my husband joked when I...

Mysterious Hotel Guest

A Connecticut chap, an incorrigible practical joker, often makes his long-suffering wife the butt of his painful pranks. But last fall she finally got her chance to even the score....

One Loud Trip

Pregnant with our second child, I was determined to ride my exercise bike at least two miles a day. Late one night, having put it off all day, I climbed...

One Stop Cleanup

My friend’s husband is always telling her that housekeeping would be a snap if only she would organize her time better. Recently he had a chance to put his theory...

Opposite in Nature

My mother and I were having a mother-daughter talk about the qualities to look for in a husband. She stressed that husband and wife should be as much alike as...

Other Commitments

As we left the gym after our first real workout in years, my husband and I both felt energized. "Let’s renew our commitment to do it three times a week,"...

Paying For It

A friend and her husband were participating in a blood drive, and as part of the prescreening process, an elderly volunteer was asking some questions. "Have you ever paid for...

Pregnant Swap

I was in my ninth month of pregnancy and feeling very uncomfortable. On top of everything, my pleas for sympathy seemed to go unnoticed by my husband. One day I...


At the airport check-in counter, I overheard a woman ask for window seats for her and her husband. The clerk pointed out that this would prevent them from sitting together....

Sink or Swim

While at a marine-supply store stocking up on equipment for my boat, I also purchased an inflatable life preserver. "It was my wife’s idea," I explained to the grizzled salesman...

Surgery fix

A hairdressing client of mine told me of her husband’s recovery after having double bypass heart surgery. She had recounted the doctor’s orders to her husband, saying, "In six weeks...

Switching Roles

A husband-and-wife photography team we know shoot their pictures together, do their developing and printing together—in fact, they’re together 24 hours of the day. We wondered how they managed to...

Switching Sizes

After noticing how trim my husband had become, a friend asked me how I had persuaded him to diet. It was then I shared my dark secret: "I put our...

Tapping Communication

During an attack of laryngitis I lost my voice completely for two days. To help me communicate with him, my husband devised a system of taps. One tap meant "Give...

The Missing Shoe

One evening my husband’s golfing buddy drove his secretary home after she had imbibed a little too much at an office reception. Although this was an innocent gesture, he decided...

The Right Marriage

My wife and I were comparing notes the other day. "I have a higher IQ, did better on my SATs and make more money than you," she pointed out. "Yeah,...

Third Times a Charm

Some newly married friends were visiting us when the topic of children came up. The bride said she wanted three children, while the young husband demurred, saying two would be...

Throwing Your Money Away

Neighbors of ours had a terrible disagreement over a patio they wanted for their backyard. The wife had rather grand ideas, while the husband wanted costs kept to a minimum....

Til' Death Do Us Part

Soon after we were married, my husband, Paul, stopped wearing his wedding band. "Why don’t you ever wear your ring?" I asked. "It cuts off my circulation," Paul replied. "I...

True Colors

As I was stepping into the shower after an afternoon of yard work, my wife walked into the bathroom. "What do you think the neighbors would say if I cut...

Unattractive Undergarments

When my wife had to rush to the hospital unexpectedly, she asked me to bring her a few items from home. One item on the list was "comfortable underwear." Worried...

Unused Equipment

Hoping to lose some weight, my wife told me she wanted to get an exercise bicycle. I reminded her that she had a very nice and rather expensive bike in...

Worry Wart

After ten years of widowhood, I remarried. Leaving work one wintry evening, I told a colleague that it was very gratifying to once again have someone worry about me if...

Dark Shadow

My mother, a meticulous housekeeper, often lectured my father about tracking dirt into the house. One day he came in to find her furiously scrubbing away at a spot on...

Expensive Love

My husband, Mike, and I had several stressful months of financial difficulties. So one evening I was touched to see him gazing at the diamond wedding ring that symbolized our...

Expensive Present

My husband is a big Atlanta Braves fan. When I saw an ad on television for a baseball autographed by one of his favorite players that cost $42, I rushed...

Getting the Blues

My sister went shopping for blue jeans with her husband, Steve. She chose a few pairs to try on and went into the fitting room, while Steve waited outside. A...

Giving In

While in the checkout line at my local hardware store I overheard one man say to another, "My wife has been after me to paint our shed. But I let...

Matched Up

When my younger brother and his wife celebrated their first anniversary, they invited the rest of the family to join them for dinner. The conversation focused on the newlyweds and...

No Going Back

My wife-to-be and I were at the county clerk’s office for our marriage license. After recording the vital information—names, dates of birth, etc.— the clerk handed me our license and...

One Big Mess

After his marriage broke up, my manager became very philosophical. "I guess it was in our stars," he sighed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Her astrological sign is the...

Painful Love

Both my fiancé and I are in our 40s. I thought it was both amusing and touching when he assumed the classic position to propose to me—down on one bended...

Rough Times

When a woman in my office became engaged, a colleague offered her some advice. "The first ten years are the hardest," she said. "How long have you been married?" I...

Silent Treatment

After my husband and I had a huge argument, we ended up not talking to each other for days. Finally, on the third day, he asked where one of his...

Stock Talk

I realized that the ups and downs of the stock market had become too big a part of our life one night as my husband and I prepared for bed....

Surprising Birthday Present

After the birth of my son, a woman from the records department stopped by my hospital room to get information for his birth certificate. "Father’s date of birth?" she asked....

The Mysterious Sender

One morning a customer entered my flower shop and ordered a bouquet for his wife. "No card is necessary," he instructed us. "She’ll know who sent them." The delivery truck...

Tailgating Tattletale

My wife and I get along just great—except she’s a back-seat driver second to none. On my way home from work one day, my cell phone rang as I merged...

Hot Off the Press

As I stripped off my sweatshirt at the breakfast table one warm morning, my T-shirt started to come off too. My husband let out a low whistle. I took it...

Farm and Family

A man and his wife were taking an afternoon drive through the countryside. They had just had a big argument and were not talking to one another. Finally the husband...

Sleepless in Suburbia

Different rules apply between the hours of 2 and 4 a.m., I find. Things that would ordinarily not even qualify as mildly amusing will often, at 3 a.m., strike the ear as high comedy.