A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Office Jokes

Laugh out loud with these funny office jokes.

Work hard, play hard! Step outside your cubicle and share our funny office jokes and knock – knock office jokes that will make you everyone’s favorite coworker.

Problems on Both Ends

My nephew, a flight attendant, split the back of his pants one day during a flight. To save embarrassment, he decided to work in front of the beverage cart, facing...

Rubbed the Wrong Way

I was halfway through a meeting with a photocopy salesman, when he suddenly mentioned his wife and children, and how contented he was. I was puzzled, but let him continue....

Uninvited Announcement

Each year our company holds a training session in the conference room of the same hotel. When we were told we would not be able to reserve our usual location,...

Unable to See

My husband works for a high-tech company that uses a sophisticated robotic mail-delivery system. The robot makes mail stops by following a clear painted line on the hallway floor. Recently...