A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    Is Wrapping Paper Recyclable?

    Here's how to tell if you can recycle wrapping paper—plus other ways to make eco-friendly gift wrap choices.

    Here’s When You Should Use an Apostrophe

    An apostrophe is not an accessory. Here are examples of how and when to use an apostrophe—and when you definitely...

    What Is an Aphorism and How Is It Used?

    They say knowledge is power—so let's learn all about aphorisms with these common aphorism examples! (Hint: "Knowledge is power" is...

    This Is Why Most Grocery Stores Don’t Have Windows

    Grocery stores have a few tricks up their sleeve.

    “Laying” vs. “Lying”: Which One Should You Use?

    "Laying" and "lying" are so similar—in both sound and meaning—that it's easy to use them interchangeably. But here's what each...

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    111 of the Most Powerful Quotes About Life

    These life quotes from the past 100 years continue to endure.

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    25 Amazing Science Facts That Are Weird, Wild, and True

    These cool science facts are definitely the most interesting things you’ll read today!

    Indigenous Peoples’ Day and Columbus Day: 5 Things You Need to Know

    President Biden officially proclaimed October 10 Indigenous Peoples' Day, but Columbus Day is not behind us yet. Here's why.

    Why Do We Have Middle Names?

    Finally, an explanation behind the name that randomly sits between your first and your last.

    Where Did the Phrase “Take It With a Grain of Salt” Come From?

    When the authenticity of information is questionable, we tell others to take it with a grain of salt. But why...

    Where Does the Phrase “No Worries” Come From?

    Bring some Aussie attitude to your everyday life with this common expression.

    If You See a Green Porch Light, This Is What It Means

    What does a green porch light mean? You often see them around November for a very specific reason.

    30 Veterans Day Facts Everyone Should Know

    Learn about the federal holiday's history, along with a few interesting Veterans Day facts for adults and kids alike

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    13 Things That Are About to Get More Expensive

    Get ready to shell out even more for some of your go-to items, thanks to shipping wars, labor issues, and...

    Free Christmas Bingo Cards to Print for the Holidays

    Download these free printable Christmas bingo cards for an extra fun holiday game night

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    If You See Metal Wrapped Around a Tree, This Is What It Means

    Those metal bands, also known as baffles, strapped around trees are not holding the tree together, but they do have...

    Who Is the Target Dog? Everything You Need to Know About the Target Mascot

    The pup-arazzi aren't the only ones completely going mutts over the Target mascot.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Words That Shine

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Circles

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Spiritual Matters

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quizzes

    We've rounded up our favorite Word Power quizzes! Test your vocabulary with these tricky definitions covering every topic.

    How to Respond When Someone Says “All Lives Matter”

    There is actually a productive, positive way to counter this statement that can help promote understanding and combat racism.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Words with Double Letters

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

    Here’s Why the Coca-Cola Logo Is Red

    Everyone can recognize the Coca-Cola logo, but it hasn't always looked the same as it does now.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Prohibition Era Words

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

    Word Power Vocabulary Quiz: Words Beginning with N-Z

    Match the word to its correct definition to test your Word Power.

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    Where Does the Phrase “Let the Cat Out of the Bag” Come From?

    Why was the cat in a bag in the first place?

    Who Is the Pringles Man? The History Behind Pringles’ Mascot

    The man on the can has a name you won't forget.