A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others for Healthier Self-Esteem

Don't compare your "real" to someone else's highlight reel

There Are 8 Types of Intelligence: Which One Is Your Strength?

IQ isn't everything. Researchers say everyone has eight types of intelligence—which do you rank highest in?

How to Read People: 16 Behaviors Experts Use to Decipher Thoughts and Feelings

Body language experts reveal how to read people using common behaviors, giving you a window into what others are really...

21 Confidence-Boosting Songs to Make You Feel Invincible

Want to boost your self-esteem? Go out and conquer the world with these songs about confidence.

How to Stand Up for Yourself and Get What You Deserve

Learning how to stand up for yourself is a key to boosting your confidence

How to Build Emotional Strength for Maximum Confidence

With these expert techniques, you can develop the self-assurance and emotional strength to face whatever life throws at you

You’re Blushing! The Science Behind Those Rosy Cheeks

Turning beet red is never fun, but the science behind why people blush, a uniquely human phenomenon, sure is fascinating

How to Focus: 9 Science-Backed Ways to Block Out the Noise and Improve Your Concentration

What Is IQ, and How Well Does It Predict Success?

What does IQ measure? According to our experts, having formal intelligence and being smart are not necessarily the same thing.

How to Tell If Someone Is Lying, According to a Human Lie Detector

Body language, facial expressions and speaking habits can help you detect dishonesty. Here's how to tell if someone is lying,...

Emotional Intelligence: The Skill That May Be More Important Than IQ in Achieving Success

Find out what emotional intelligence is and if you have the secret smarts that will lead you to happiness and...

How to Learn Something New Every Day to Stay Sharp (and Interesting)

Life is rarely boring if you're open to discovering new things. Here's how to learn something new every day so...