A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

11 Perfectly Timed Nature Photos That Look Fake but Aren’t

Updated Jul. 22, 2021

No, these are not paintings.

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The art of nature

Nature photographers have the challenging task of taking the already-incredible beauty of nature and maximizing its beauty. These photographers certainly succeeded at that with their pristine, majestic images that are so perfect they look staged. But they’re as real as it gets!

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Wildflower Path at Cedar Breaks
Maria Jeffs/Getty Images

Bless you

This simply breathtaking field of wildflowers at Cedar Breaks National Monument in Utah looks perfect for inhaling too much pollen and succumbing to a fit of sneezes.

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Moraine Lake at sunrise, Banff National Park, Canada
sara_winter/Getty Images

Don’t forget the gift shop

Moraine Lake at sunrise is tucked within the mountains of Banff National Park in Canada. Looks like an image I have definitely seen on a souvenir T-shirt somewhere. Check out more beautiful, calming pictures we all need right now.

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ihsanyildizli/Getty Images

Flower power

Contrary to popular belief, this is actually a close-up of dandelion seeds, not the villain in Stranger Things. Can you tell what these other everyday objects are from super close-up pictures?

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Summit sunset in the Swiss alps
cdbrphotography/Getty Images

And all I got was…

Someone climbed all the way to this summit in the Swiss Alps and received neither Swiss cheese nor Swiss chocolate. (But they did get this incredible shot!) Check out 50 more photos of the world’s most beautiful countries.

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Oregon Eagle Creek trail waterfall Cascades USA
fotoVoyager/Getty Images

Don’t go chasing waterfalls

TLC specifically told us in their hit song “Waterfalls” not to chase them, but I would chase after this one on the Pacific Crest Trail in Oregon any day. Take a look at these historical photos that bring the past to the present.

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star shape sun in snowcapped winter mountain landscape
amriphoto/Getty Images

Preferably under a blanket

Here’s a beautiful, snowy landscape that you can view from the warmth and safety of your own home. Check out these nature photos to get you excited for spring instead.

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Turtle closeup with school of fish
LFPuntel/Getty Images

Mom, you’re embarrassing me

This turtle can probably relate to the times Mom used to come out with the camera when you had all your new friends over the house for the first time. Here are some more stunning underwater photos you need to see.

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4nadia/Getty Images

A perfect autumn day

Just need a hot apple cider, a warm scarf, and a good book to make this into the perfect day. Here are a few more photos of jaw-dropping places with beautiful colors.

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The Grand Canyon Arizona
tracielouise/Getty Images

An expensive mistake

We’re marveling at this stunning sunrise at the Grand Canyon—thankfully, the photographer didn’t drop their camera! Here are more breathtaking shots of America’s national parks.

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Close up of a grey squirrel yawning
Dgwildlife/Getty Images

All the juicy gossip

It’s just like the face you make when your best friend finally spills all the gossip. Here are some more funny animal pictures you need in your life.

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Spring morning in the Cascade Range with Mt. Hood, OR
Ron and Patty Thomas/Getty Images

Taking a mental break from reality

This mind-blowing spring landscape in Oregon is where I am currently imagining myself instead of at my desk typing this article. Next, check out these stunning photos that let you travel the world without leaving your couch.

Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest