Florence Park in Tulsa, OK

"Florence Park, Tulsa's real neighborhood"

Community members gather at the Florence Park Neighborhood Association. (Credit: Lance Woolsey)

This is the way neighborhoods used to be — full of charming, unique bungalow/cottage style homes built in the mid to late 1920s, sidewalks full of friendly walkers, people outside, mature trees and beautiful yardscapes, neighborhood yard sales, ice cream socials and the Fall Festival. It is close to the revitalized Downtown Districts and has two city parks.

Five years ago, one of the most respected of our members was killed in a shooting at a local store. The neighborhood came together for the family and residents to form a Deal with the Teal (his favorite color) program to focus awareness on ending senseless violence. Hundreds of teal bows were made a placed all over the neighborhood. It soon became a city-wide effort as other midtown neighborhoods held similar efforts, with support from local law enforcement.

The neighborhood comes together to form a memorial bench dedication in honor of a community member’s death in June 2013. (Credit: Lance Woolsey)

This neighborhood also raised matching funds through voluntary association fees to beautify Pratt Park in the middle of the neighborhood. Nearly 60 volunteers gathered on a warm April day in 2013 to plant a dozen Natchez crepe myrtles, several pampas grasses and a lovely Vitex tree. In addition, a water fountain with pet bowls and a Memorial bench for Wesley Brown were installed by the City Parks Department in association with the project.

Neighborhood volunteers gather to plant trees and other greenery for Pratt Park Work Day in April 2013. (Credit: Lance Woolsey)

Florence Park also boasts the only tree house built by the Animal Planet show, Treehouse Masters, in the state of Oklahoma. Over 350 people have “toured” the finished gem sitting in the back of a private residence.

Florence Park’s treehouse built by Treehouse Masters. (Credit: Lance Woolsey)

Halloween is always done up right in Florence Park, with lots of spooky trick-or-treating for little ones.