Honey Creek in Tulsa, OK

"Honey Creek: a community"

Honey Creek neighbors enjoying lunch. (Credit: Jean Bouse)

The residents of Honey Creek are very caring people who are like family, even spending holidays together. We have Block Captains who look out for their neighbors, give email info if they don’t have access to a computer, take food if to them if they’re ill, take residents to doctors or grocery store, and make phone calls so nobody gets lonely. There are several activities, such as four Bunko groups, three Bridge groups, coffee gatherings, casino trips, luncheons, couples’ dinners, sewing club, book club, and movie trips. According to realtors, these are the reasons houses fly off the market.

Stories About Honey Creek

I take food twice weekly to two people who no longer can drive, bring one lady to a beauty shop for perms, maintain an emergency contact list for all 123 homes, host a Newcomers’ Coffee, Block Captain Coffee to say thanks for their help, and help all those who call as I have been on the Board for ten years to try to make them happy.Â