Indianapolis, IN

"Center of the state, center of our heart"

Members of the Bohley family in their home. (Credit: Janet Bohley)

The people, the government, the ease of getting around, the marketplaces, the quirkiness, the special feeling sitting before a world-class orchestra, an amazing opera group, sports capital, and incredible zoo all make Indianapolis one of the Nicest Places in America. Did I mention how safe I feel safe in my beautiful neighborhood? The best neighbors in the world! I was born in New Jersey and love being a Hoosier!

Stories About Indianapolis

I’ll never hesitate to buy firefighters, police officers, or military servicemen a lunch or a dinner. Though I was a transplant, I feel this is my home — people open their hearts and homes to you. My church family is wonderfully accepting and caring of all, no matter their place of origin. My community is eclectic, and appreciates every person for who they are; not what they look like. We open our hearts and wallets alike. We pray for everyone, including you. The pride in our neighborhood shows in the homes and the landscaping and the people out pulling weeds, mowing and trimming. Â