Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Did you Know?

Pantry Items You're Probably Keeping Too Long

Quinoa “Grains should always look and smell faintly sweet or have no aroma at all,” states the Whole Grains Council. “If you detect a musty or oily scent, the grains have passed their peak.”

Baking Powder

Mix baking soda with vinegar and baking powder with hot water. If they foam up and bubble, it means the ingredients are still fresh enough for baking.

BEER Storing beer at room temperature isn’t necessarily bad for your beer, but it can spoil it faster. After around four months, heat, light, and air can seep through the bottle caps.

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OLIVE OIL Light and heat are not olive oil’s friends. You shouldn’t get sick from an old bottle of olive oil, but an opened bottle of the stuff can taste a bit off after six months.

BEER Storing beer at room temperature isn’t necessarily bad for your beer, but it can spoil it faster. After around four months, heat, light, and air can seep through the bottle caps.

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