A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Jeanne Yacoubou, MS

Jeanne Yacoubou, MS


Jeanne Yacoubou is a science writer covering the environment, food, and energy for over 15 years. With a master's degree in chemistry, she is passionate about non-toxic living and practices a green lifestyle on the daily. In all her work, Yacoubou strives to make science understandable, interesting, and actionable for everyone.


What We Can Learn from the World’s Most Eco-Friendly Countries

If we truly want to help the environment, we need to make some big changes. The world’s most sustainable countries provide inspiration—and a solid game plan.

The Future of Recycling: 13 Innovative Strategies That Could Save the Earth

It's not enough to toss your cans and water bottles into the recycling bin and hope for the best. The future of recycling takes it to the next level, and then some.