A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Marc Saltzman

Marc Saltzman


Marc Saltzman is a prolific tech expert with one simple goal: to break down geek speak into street speak. Marc is a freelance journalist for more than 20 publications (including USA TODAY, Reader's Digest, AARP, and Costco Connection), a 16-time author, radio and podcast host, and public speaker. Based in Toronto, Marc specializes in consumer electronics, apps and games, automotive innovations, business tech, and future trends. Follow him on X: @marc_saltzman


50 Most Common Passwords of 2024—Are Yours on the List?

If you use one of the most common passwords, you're an easy target for hackers. Here's how to stay safe.

How to Detect an AirTag—and Disable It If You’re Being Tracked

Created as a way to help you find lost items, Apple's teeny tracker can also keep an eye on your location—without your permission. Here's how to detect and disable an AirTag.

What Do “Unknown Caller” and “No Caller ID” Really Mean?

Experts decode the difference between "Unknown Caller" and "No Caller ID"—and explain how to keep yourself safe from scams