A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Morgan Cutolo

Morgan Cutolo

location-pin Portland, Maine

School: The University of New Hampshire

Expertise: humor, history, knowledge

Morgan Cutolo

  • Former editor at Reader's Digest


Morgan has written dozens of lifestyle articles for Reader's Digest, covering quirky facts, trivia, memes and humor. She is a former editor at Reader's Digest and Trusted Media Brands. In her free time, she likes exploring the seacoast near her home in Maine and snuggling on the couch with her corgi, Eggo, to read a good book or watch The Office.


The University of New Hampshire BA, English, Journalism


Made My Own Grandkids

Scene: With a patient in my medical exam room Me: How old are your kids? Patient: Forty-four and 39 from

A to A+

The definition of a perfectionist: someone who wants to go from point A to point A+. —David Bez

Free Maps

Traveling through the Midwest, I stopped at an Ohio welcome center to pick up a state map. I found plenty