A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Susie Quick

Susie Quick


Susan "Susie" Quick is an award-winning feature writer/author/editor who regularly cooks up inspiring stories on a curry of topics: health, nutrition, medicine, gardening, food, horses and other pets, sustainable lifestyle, and country music history. (She produces food shoots too.) Her stories (and sometimes recipes) have appeared in print and digital platforms in Real Simple, Glamour, Health, Newsweek, O the Oprah magazine, Bon Appetit, Martha Stewart Living, This Old House, and hgtv.com, and the Daily Green, among others. She's also ghost written articles and book projects and has worked closely with research and clinical MDs, PhDs on manuscripts and professional journal articles (and translated the aforementioned for regular folk). Short, listy or long, Quick delivers well-researched quality content for the discerning editor.


15 Cleansing Foods to Detox Your Body Naturally

Chase the blues—and sluggish energy—with a superfood detox. Think of these tips as a tonic for a more vibrant, healthier you.