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Money - Money Spending Tips

Have you ever really thought about your spending habits? Being aware of what you’re spending your money on and why is an important first step on your way to financial sucess. Let the journey begin!

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13 Things Credit Card Companies Know About You

How you wield that little piece of plastic can reveal how well you care for your home, the state of...

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These Costco Shopping Tips Will Save You Tons of Money

Get ready to save BIG at this popular wholesale store.

5 Shopping Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

Before you buy one more present, try these tips.

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6 Insurance Policies That Aren’t Worth the Money

"Insurance is meant to protect against the really big stuff that rains down on you," says Fair Oaks, California, insurance...

If You Swipe Your Debit Card as “Credit,” You’re Wasting Your Money—Here’s Why

What happens if you swipe your debit card as credit? Truth be told, most people don't know the difference.

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Should You Be Worried About Your Cell Phone Catching a Virus? (Spoiler Alert: Yes!)

You might want to think twice about before storing your credit card numbers in your phone.

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Cha-Ching! 8 Savvy New Ways to Save BIG When You Shop Online

From buying gift cards at a huge discount to earning cash back on every purchase, here are some hacks every...

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Malware Infections Spike in November and December—Here’s How Protect Your Personal Info

Cyber-savvy scammers are standing by to snag our personal information and infect our devices with malware. Here's how to protect...

7 Signs You Need to Buy a New Bra

From too-snug straps to collapsing cups, a bra-fitting specialist reveals the clear signs you need to say ta-ta to your...

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14 Things Nutritionists Always Do At the Grocery Store (That You Might Not)

Looking to revamp your grocery store game plan? Take these tips for a healthy food list from registered dietitians on...

Online Shopping Tricks to Save You Money

Shopping online can be quick and convenient, but it can also be pricey. Luckily, there are various tricks to help

Top Tips for Buying Baby Clothes

Use these six guidelines when purchasing clothes for babies to avoid being left with expensive garments your little one wore...

13 Secrets to Saving Money Using Online Coupons

Here’s a list of 13 secrets that will help you save money while shopping online.

Should You Pay Bills Online?

Could online payments be more conducive to modern life?

The Real Difference Between Dollar Tree and Dollar General

Despite their names being so similar, they actually have a difference when it comes to your shopping experience.