El Paso, TX

"Sunset heaven"

A classic El Paso sunset. (Credit: Manny Villalobos Jr.)

In El Paso, you’ll see sunsets so picture perfect, it’s like they’re made for Roy Rogers and Trigger to ride off into. El Paso is next to the border of  Juarez, Mexico, and we’re great neighbors to each other. El Paso is one of the safest cities in America, and was just recently named one the most affordable places to live and retire by Forbes. With the picturesque Franklin Mountains in the middle of town, El Paso is an awesome place to hike, jog, or rock climb and find the petroglyphs at Hueco Tanks National Park. Weather is perfect, you can sit on your front yard every day at dusk and watch the sun go down. But if you get tired of that, you can go downtown and watch our championship triple-A baseball team, the Chihuahuas!

Stories About El Paso

El Paso is known for it’s Mexican and southwest hospitality, just ask every Sun Bowl team that arrives here. Every year, college fans come here and feast on the best Mexican food there is this side of the border. Many cultures merge here due to our close proximity to the Mexican border and the Fort Bliss military base. No clashes or hatred, just everyone getting along in El Paso. Many stationed at Fort Bliss retire and remain here all of their lives. El Paso is expanding, so don’t wait too long or you might miss out on the small town atmosphere while we still have it.