Ithaca, NY

"10 square miles surrounded by reality"

Take a seat, stay for a day or month or year. (Credit: Shasta S.)

My neighborhood welcomes any human, regardless of identity or status. Similarly, residents always go out of their way to care for their fellow community members in ways that go above and beyond. This community is one of the most inclusive communities I have ever seen.

Stories About Ithaca

Our graffiti is public art created by local artists, the high school even features a piece that states, “social justice.” The sense of community ownership is strong where “it takes a village” is literally taken to heart. People hold the door, pay for each others’ groceries, say hello, smile, and establish fundraisers for charities and the less fortunate. The Fall Creek neighborhood holds a “porchfest” for free every year where local musicians and artists showcase their talents on their own (or strangers!) porches. Oh yeah, and we also hold the record for the world’s largest human peace sign!