Kaysville, UT
"The place you're proud to call home"
People who live in Kaysville are happy to tell others where they come from. It’s a place where people know their neighbors, even the ones across town. The Rocky Mountains are on one side and the Great Salt Lake on the other. Each year the community throws a Fourth of July celebration, which brings thousands of people to Main Street to gab with old friends and make new ones. The parade ends with a huge water fight, but of course, no real fighting.
A couple, who lives on Main Street, posted on Facebook that they needed help moving dirt around their front yard to get it ready to lay sod. A few days later, their yard was full of people who brought their own rakes and wheelbarrows to help out.
On another corner of Main Street is a community garden where anyone can sign up to plant vegetables, flowers, or whatever they please on a small plot of land. After the season was over and the ground was covered with dying vines and plants, a local youth group came out in the dark to clear away the vegetation.
Last month, a family, who lives just off Main Street, was devastated when they lost their son. Their neighbors collected money to have a local artist create a charcoal pencil portrait of their son standing next to Christ. Somehow the artist was able to finish the portrait in two days so the family could display it at their son’s funeral and feel at peace.
July 4th in Kaysville
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