Ridgefield, CT

"Safest place in CT"

The tranquil town park gardens are perfect for residents who want solitude and time to reflect. (Credit: Karen Dalessio)

There are many reasons why Ridgefield is being nominated for the nicest place in the USA. One is the Prospector Theater has a mission to provide employment opportunities to people with disabilities (aka “prospects”) to allow them to pursue their talents. Some “prospects” have gone on to work for other local businesses. Two is the Ridgefield Playhouse that has an average of more than 200 live shows. The Playhouse gives children opportunities to learn more about the arts. Third is the sense of community especially when a resident was in need, the town has shown their support. I am fortunate to live in this special town.

Random acts of kindness include a Starbucks customer paying for another customer’s coffee or someone picking up the tab for a burger at a local restaurant.Â