Wabasha, MN

"America's eagle destination"

An eagle’s view of America’s famed eagle destination, Wabasha. (Credit: Kealani Burgos)

Located on the banks of the Mississippi River, Wabasha is a small town big on eagles and community. How does Wabasha demonstrate its niceness? One word: compassion. This is a community that comes together to help their fellow neighbor through hard times regardless of your relationship to them. We’ll do fundraising, prayer chains, or just be there for you no matter the circumstances. We have more love and compassion in our town of 2,500 people than a city of over a million could ever experience.

Stories About Wabasha

We have the best volunteers you would ever want. No matter what is going on in our community, there are always those willing to step up, step in, and provide their knowledge and services to our community. Our SeptOberfest celebration is proof of that. Our town gets decorated to the hilt with beautiful displays all throughout, which would not happen without the volunteers in our community that step up to make our home the place to be during the Fall months.

The park and downtown are always full of people enjoying the Fall weather during Wabasha’s SeptOberfest. (Credit: Chrissy Dawson)

Additionally, we have a community that truly stands together on issues that impact our neighbors. Recently, a long time resident and farm owner faced the possibility of losing his precious land due to the US Army Corp of Engineers needing a place to put dredged materials from the Mississippi River. Community members and leaders alike came together to advocate against it. In one afternoon, there were over 300 individuals that took time out of their day to stand for a picture on the hottest day of the summer, showing the unity and pride of our community coming together for a common cause.