Warren, MI

"Heartland Hometown"

The City Square Fountain is a summertime destination for children to cool off. (Credit: Greg Donahoe)

From volunteering to help Meals on Wheels to ensuring seniors have their sidewalks cleared after a snowstorm, Warren residents look out for each other and provide a welcoming spot for others in the area to visit.

If someone is just a bit short in the checkout line, people routinely volunteer to make up the difference. You ‘ll often witness people offering to help someone load groceries or parcels into their car in the parking lot. And holding doors for each other is second nature. A local church has an annual “Back to School” event for any child in need of a backpack stocked with school supplies.

Volunteers dedicate a new building as the Veteran Village of Hope, a place where homeless veterans and their families can finally call home. (Credit: Greg Donahoe)