A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Relationships - Parenting

There’s SO much parenting advice out there, and it can be hard to know how to weed out the good from the bad. But we’ve done our best to give you the Reader’s Digest version of honest, heartfelt parenting tips and stories.

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Sigh a Breath of Relief When Your Baby Gives You These 7 Signs That They Trust You

It's what reassures him that he will survive in this world, and makes him sigh contentedly in your arms. Trust...

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Note to Students: Teachers LOVE Their Job! 15 Powerful Reasons Why

Real-life teachers get personal about their passion for education and how their students fuel their motivation.

8 Brilliant Ways Babies Are Way Smarter Than You Think

Chubby, cherubic, and drooly, sure. But babies are much more than lovable lumps, according to fascinating studies that reveal true...

The 13 Best Lullabies to Sing to Your Baby—with a Modern Twist

"Hush Little Baby" and "Rock a Bye, Baby" are perennial favorites, but after a while, you have to admit, the...

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9 Things to Know Before Taking Your Toddler to an Amusement Park

There's not much cuter than your 3- or 4-year-old coming face-to-face with a favorite life-size cartoon character for the first...

Spend More Quality Time with Your Teen with 23 Activities They’ll Actually Love

We asked teens to spill their favorite ways to hang out with Mom and Dad—and you will be seriously surprised...

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6 Ways to Properly Clean Your Children’s Toys to Remove Mold

Even though bath time gets your kids squeaky clean, it can be making their toys grow mold.

9 Rules for Protecting Your Child’s Skin in Cold Weather

Just because it's chilly out, that doesn't mean you have to keep your kids indoors. If you and your little...

The 7 Worst Mistakes Parents Make When Flying with Their Baby

Veteran parents share the in-flight fails that taught them how to keep baby comfortable and happy for her first ride...

How to Guarantee Your Teen Gets the Best College Tour

Checking out colleges in person is a pretty key part of the application process. Use these pro tips to get...

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10 Inspiring Books Every Teacher Needs to Read

Whether you're a rookie looking for advice or a seasoned educator seeking inspiration, this collection of books will help you...

Forget Cute Onesies: This Is What Every New Mom Really Needs

It's true that it takes a village to raise a child, but sometimes it just takes a couple extra loads...

Improve Your Toddler’s Fine Motor Skills with These 7 Fun Activities

Fine motor skills are small actions that require a lot of control. But they take time to master, especially for...

8 Snowy Day Activities Your Entire Family Can Enjoy

Baby, it's cold outside. So go out and play!

These High Schoolers Wrote Letters to Kurt Vonnegut. This Is What They Got in Response.

Your homework assignment from a famous novelist: Make art. Then destroy it.

10 Warning Signs Your Child Is a Bully

With one out of every four children getting bullied this year, it's a growing epidemic. But what if your child...

9 Weird Ways Pencils Changed the World

Why pencils are yellow, who drank graphite-infused wine, Hemingway's pointy little secret to great writing, and more.

“Pull Yourself Together!”: Rob Lowe on the Unexpected Tears of Sending His Son to College

The Emmy award-winning actor had no idea how hard it would be to send his favorite Patriots fan off to...

What Do All Babies Need, Yet Aren’t Getting Equally?

To break the cycle of poverty, young children need something that’s as free and abundant as air. An extraordinary program...

The Unforgettable Legacy of Miss Bessie Taylor Gwynn

The lessons she taught went far beyond the three Rs.

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Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids?

Education has become an American institution—of the worst kind.

Why Do Top Students Cheat?

Cheating has gone from a nasty habit to a nationwide epidemic.

The Must-Have College Packing List

Sending kids off to college is stressful enough. Why let packing add to your anxiety? Use this list to make...

Top Tips for Buying Baby Clothes

Use these six guidelines when purchasing clothes for babies to avoid being left with expensive garments your little one wore...

14 Old-School Tricks to Help You Remember These Everyday Facts

These simple rhymes and mnemonic devices can help you recall everything from the alphabet to the Wonders of the World.