A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Travel - Packing

Trips are full of excitement! But what’s less exciting? Packing for them. And if it’s hard to remember what to bring, it’s even harder to know what to leave behind. We’ve got some insider tips and tricks up our sleeves to help you travel in style and keep that suitcase light so you enjoy every second.

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68 Travel Secrets That Guarantee a Stress-Free Trip

Follow these 
no-nonsense rules to take the pain out 
of every trip this holiday season­— 
and beyond.

8 Luggage Secrets Baggage Handlers Need You to Know

After you check your bag, it has a long journey from the conveyer belt to the plane. Here's how to...

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The Carry-On Luggage Rules for 10 Major Airlines

Any notorious over-packer will agree that filling your luggage requires carefully calculating exactly how much you can get away with....

7 Signs of a Well-Made Piece of Luggage

No one wants to be that person at the airport baggage carousel whose suitcase emerges wrapped in airline duct tape...