A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Claire Nowak

Claire Nowak


Claire Nowak is a writer and editor specializing in health, lifestyle, and entertainment. Her work has appeared on rd.com, msn.com, thisisinsider.com, tasteofhome.com, yahoo.com, and more. Her interests include fine wine, craft brews, Alexander Hamilton, and talking too much about her alma mater, Marquette University.


13 Things You Shouldn’t Vacuum

Some things just aren’t meant to be vacuumed up—and could even ruin your vacuum cleaner. Here's how to clean the messes your machine can't handle.

15 Foods You Probably Shouldn’t Keep in Your Pantry

Read this if you're the type of person who stores anything that’s not dairy or fresh veggies in the pantry.

This Is Why Milk and Cookies Taste So Darn Good Together

The reason you love milk and cookies so much? Delicious chemical reactions in your mouth you had no idea were happening.