A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

House Cleaning

Keeping your home neat and tidy isn’t an impossible task once you know our best cleaning and organizing tips. We’re here to help with the only cleaning schedule you’ll need, along with advice on everything from cleaning your kitchen and bathroom to stain removal to doing your laundry the right way. Plus, we have strategies for organizing your bedroom closet, linen closet, pantry and more.

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How to Clean Your Dryer—and What Happens If You Don’t

Buildup in dryer lint traps and vents can become a major fire hazard. To properly maintain your appliance, follow these...

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How to Clear a Clogged Sink Drain—Without Needing to Call a Plumber

With these simple steps, you can learn how to unclog a sink and save yourself a call to the plumber

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How to Clean a Dishwasher: A Step-by-Step Guide

Follow these simple steps for a cleaner-than-clean dishwasher.

Here’s How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets—and the Gross Things That Happen When You DonR...

A microbiologist, dermatologist and cleaning pro explain just how often you should change your sheets

How to Clean a Garbage Disposal So It Doesn’t Stink Up Your Kitchen

Learn how to clean your garbage disposal using things you already have at home with these expert-endorsed tips

How to Clean Your Microwave the Right Way, According to Cleaning Experts

Stuck-on mess from exploding leftovers? Grease and grime from splatters? We've asked the experts how to clean a microwave, and...

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How to Clean a Humidifier, According to Experts

Yes, you need to clean your humidifier regularly. Here's how.

How to Clean a Keurig Coffee Maker

Get the most out of your single-serve coffee maker—and the best-tasting coffee—by learning how to clean a Keurig the right...

The Best Oven Cleaners to Tackle Caked-On Gunk

Get rid of caked-on food and grease with the best oven cleaners.

How to Clean an Oven Quickly and Easily

Say goodbye to grease, grime and baked-on gunk! Here's how to clean an oven the right way, according to cleaning...

How to Clean a Shower Head (and Why You Really Need To)

Improve your shower's water flow and eliminate gross buildup with these simple, step-by-step instructions for how to clean a shower head


How to Clean Your iPhone’s Charging Port the Right Way

If your iPhone won't charge with a Lightning cable plugged in, a dirty charging port might be to blame. This...

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How to Clean AirPods and AirPods Cases—Without Damaging Them

Experts give the lowdown on how to clean earwax, sweat and other gunk off your AirPods and AirPods case

How to Clean Stainless Steel So It Sparkles

Once you know how to clean stainless steel, those streaks, smudges and stains will be ancient history

How to Clean Your Cell Phone—and How Often You Should

Your phone is grosser than you realize. Wondering how to clean a phone without damaging it? Follow the experts' step-by-step...

How to Clean—and Deep Clean—a Mattress

The experts weigh in on how to clean your mattress—and how often you should.

How to Get Wrinkles Out of Clothes Fast—No Iron Necessary!

Don’t own an iron? Don't panic. These expert tips for removing wrinkles from clothing will have you looking sharp in...

How to Tell If You’re Using Too Much Laundry Detergent

Even when laundry is filthy, smelly and stained, more detergent isn't necessarily better. Here's how much laundry detergent to use.

This $7 Grout Cleaner Is All Over TikTok—Here’s Why

If your grout is gross and you hate spending hours scrubbing your bathroom tiles, Zep Grout Cleaner just may change...

How to Wash a Down Comforter So It’s Perfect and Fluffy

Don't be intimidated by your bedding. Experts explain how to wash a down comforter for the cleanest, coziest and fluffiest...

What Do Dryer Sheets Do? 9 Genius Ways to Use Them Around the House

The laundry staple does more than create soft, scented, static-free clothes. Here, top laundry experts explain what dryer sheets do...

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The Best Temperature to Wash Clothes to Keep Them Looking New

If you’re not paying attention to what temperature to wash clothes in, you could be in for a world of...

How to Get Stinky Smells Out of Your Clothes, According to Cleaning Experts

Need to remove mildew, sweat, smoke or other offensive odors from your clothing? Here's exactly how to get smells out...

16 Best Laundry Detergents, According to Cleaning Experts

Have you been using the same detergent forever? It might be time to change things up with these expert-recommended picks...

How to Wash a Baseball Hat So It Doesn’t Lose Its Shape

Has your favorite baseball cap seen better days? Follow these simple steps on how to wash a hat without ruining...

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9 Best Dryer Sheets for the Softest, Best-Smelling Clothes

Say goodbye to static and wrinkles, and hello to soft, fresh-smelling fabrics.

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How to Clean Your Washing Machine—and What Happens If You Don’t

Experts share step-by-step instructions for how to clean a washing machine (both inside and out)—plus how often you should do...

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A Guide to Laundry Symbols: Find Out What Those Washing Symbols Mean

You know those hieroglyphic-like laundry symbols on clothing labels? They relay important cleaning information. Here's what they mean and how to...

Steamer vs. Iron: Which Is Better for Your Clothes?

In the steamer vs. iron debate, the decision comes down to fabric. Here's everything you need to know about how...