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Knowledge - Etiquette

Proper etiquette isn’t a hoity-toity thing of the past, but rather something we should all be aware of for everyday life. Whether you’re curious about current etiquette rules or etiquette mistakes that you should avoid at all costs, you’ve come to the right place

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10 Cell Phone Etiquette Rules You Should Be Following—But Aren’t

Don't be caught committing cellular sins! Follow our expert phone etiquette rules to avoid being rude and annoying on your...

What to Do (and Not Do) If You Meet a Royal

Should you ever happen to meet up with a royal, here's how to handle yourself with the utmost of elegance...

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10 Pieces of Gift-Giving Etiquette You Need This Holiday Season

Who should you give to? How much should you spend? Your questions, answered.

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How to Handle 7 of Life’s Most Embarrassing Moments

The real test of our manners comes when we are dealing with our most embarrassing moments. Here are some doozies,...

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7 Little Etiquette Rules for Complaining on Social Media

Read this before you unleash your discontent. Here’s when to complain, react, or just unfollow.

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46 Etiquette Tips of the Victorian Era That Need to Make a Comeback

Sure they might have been sticklers for following the rules, but from being courted to dressing up for dinner, some...

How to Make Small Talk, According to People Who Do It for a Living

Not everyone is born with the gift of gab. If small talk doesn't come naturally to you, here are some...

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8 Little Party Etiquette Rules You Need to Follow If You Ever Want to Be Invited Back

You don't always have to arrive on time and fresh-cut flowers are not the perfect house-warming present. Whether it's a...

12 Funeral Etiquette Tips Everyone Should Know

You might know to wear black to the service, but being aware of proper funeral etiquette will let you do...

10 French Phrases Everyone in the World Should Know

Whether you live in Paris, France, or Paris, Texas, these are the French phrases that, according to Jeannette DeJong, senior...

Plano, TX

People say that the kids these days have no manners -- well, that's just not true in Plano, where they're...

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12 Times the Royal Family Broke Their Own Protocol

Just a reminder that the royals are human like the rest of us.

8 People Reveal Their Most Embarrassing Email Mistake Ever

An estimated 205 billion emails are sent every single day. With so many opportunities to put the wrong email address...

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10 Essential Social Etiquette Secrets You Should Know If You Can’t Take Etiquette Classes

You already know that good manners are important, but you many not want to shell out the cash to learn...

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12 Vow Renewal Dos and Don’ts Everyone Needs to Follow

Before you send out your vow renewal invites, check out these do's and don'ts to create a memorable and heartfelt...

The 100 Greatest Compliments You Could Ever Give or Receive

A little love goes a long way with these uniquely personal compliments

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This Is the Only Polite Time to Leave a Party, According to an Etiquette Expert

Admit it: At some point, we have all secretly wondered.

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13 Potluck Etiquette Rules to Memorize Before Your Next Party

Potlucks are a wonderful and informal way to gather with friends and family but just because it's casual doesn't mean...

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8 Times Etiquette Dictates You Should Send a Handwritten Thank-You Note

Before you say, "It's the thought that counts," here are the eight instances when you should mail a physical note!

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9 Rules About Eating Japanese Food That You Must Follow

The etiquette rules for Japanese dining go far beyond "no elbows on the table." Here's what you need to know...

The Definitive Guide to Tipping Around the World

Avoid ruffling feathers while traveling the globe by learning customs for tipping around the world.

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All Your Bathroom Etiquette Questions—Answered!

We all know to flush and wash our hands, but what about the not-so-obvious rules of the bathroom? Here's the...

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Airplanes Are Now Giving Out “Yellow Cards”—Here’s What That Means

Let's face it: Flying might as well be considered a sport, considering how much effort it takes just to get...

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This One Magic Phrase Will Stop Gossip in Its Tracks

Rumor has it you’re trying to stop badmouthing people.

14 Social Media Moves That Could Completely Sabotage Your Career

Don't put that dream job or promotion in jeopardy! Here's how social media affects your job opportunities—and how you can...

11 Etiquette Rules You Need for Dealing with Death on Social Media

The digital age makes it easy to share everything all the time—which can be problematic when someone passes. From knowing...

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How to Politely Decline an Invitation in Any Situation

Sometimes you have to—or simply want to—say no. Here’s the right way to decline an invitation to limit hurt feelings.