A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of everyday life. We know relationships aren’t perfect, but we can help guide you through advice on how to fix common issues, things you should and shouldn’t say to the people in your life, and, of course, roundups of funny cartoons and quotes to remind you that laughter can be the best medicine.

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The Unforgettable Legacy of Miss Bessie Taylor Gwynn

The lessons she taught went far beyond the three Rs.

Home Remedies for Sunburn: 11 Treatments to Feel Better Fast

These natural home remedies for sunburn will help your skin to heal while soothing pain and inflammation.

A Fascinating Look at How Doctors Choose to Die

Our final days are not like theirs. But they should be.

My Love Story, Before Social Networks

The tale of a man who traveled across two countries and an ocean to follow the love of his life.

8 Fascinating Facts about Twins

Seeing double? This year American women will give birth to more than 140,000 sets of twins. Here's what you need...

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Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids?

Education has become an American institution—of the worst kind.

6 Christmas Stories of Wonder and Love

It's a perfect time to read about how other families experience the joy of the season.

5 Universal Design Needs for Aging in Place

If you'd like to grow older at home (known as aging in place), you'll need to consider these universal design...

Senior Living: From 55 Apartments to Retirement Housing

Which senior living scenario is right for your family's needs?

Why Do Top Students Cheat?

Cheating has gone from a nasty habit to a nationwide epidemic.

Easy Bake Sale Treats Anyone Can Make

These delicious recipes from Taste of Home are guaranteed to sell-out quickly at any bake sale.

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The Happy Relationship: 8 Tips to Avoid Marriage Counseling

Experts say for a happy relationship, it’s important to heighten and reinforce your sense of oneness, then guard and protect...

7 Crazy, Fun Cakes You Can Make

Chocolate and vanilla cakes are great, but sometimes you want to have a little more fun with your frosting and...

A Grandmother’s Tale: When Anne Lamott’s Teen Son Became a Dad

What would you do if your teenager had a child? For author Lamott, it was a crash course in the...

The True Story Behind The Vow

Fall in love with the Reader's Digest original story that inspired the romantic movie starring Rachel McAdams and Channing Tatum.

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How to Write (and Read) a Love Letter

One man's advice for composing the perfect mash note.

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True Romance: Love At Long Last

A story that proves true love knows no time limit.

10 Tips to Make Reading Fun for Your Child

Did you know that simply reading to your child is one of the best things you can do for his...

Tips and Tricks for Traveling With Your Partner

Worried about spending a whole week away with your significant other? We've got tips and tricks for getting the most...

The Must-Have College Packing List

Sending kids off to college is stressful enough. Why let packing add to your anxiety? Use this list to make...

Six-Word Memoirs on Friendship

Shorter than tweets and small enough to swallow whole, these six-word memoirs say it all

5 Amazing Life Stories

Here are a few of our favorite entries so far in our contest. Enter your own story...

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How to Avoid Online Dating Scams

Common sense will tell you that sending money to a stranger is a bad idea. Here are more tips to...

How to Break the Ice and Meet New People

Tired of the same old opening lines? We've all heard them, and they can sometimes be a real turn-off.

12 Steps to Dealing With Bad Neighbors

Some of us are lucky to have neighbors like the late Mr. Rogers. But for many, neighbors range from nuisance...

The Pros and Cons of Joint Checking Accounts

To help keep the peace when it comes to financial issues, here are some considerations to help you decide whether...

7 Ways to Tell What Someone is Thinking

There are seven basic types of eye movements, each of which corresponds to the use of a particular sensory apparatus....

How to Make the Royal Wedding Cake

Get the recipe for the Royal Wedding cake.