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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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How to Write a Resume That Will Get You Hired

Hiring experts share their tips for making sure you stand out and land your dream job.

The 5 Worst Industries to Work In—Ranked

Worried about getting trapped in a dead-end job? Check out this survey on the five worst industries to work in,...

These Are the Most Stressful Jobs in America

CareerCast.com evaluated professions across all industries, looking at factors like physical demands, competition, deadlines, potential for career growth, and risk...

The Best Free Grammar Check Programs Online

Making mistakes in work emails or sending a presentation in which you've confused "your" and "you're" isn't fun—and it makes...

15 Things Your Boss Wants You to Stop Saying

When speaking to your boss, you should always maintain a level of professionalism. Saying the wrong thing could really do...

9 Resume Mistakes That Could Seriously Cost You the Job

Your resume is the first impression you give a potential employer. Here's how to make sure it is not your...

24 Things Your Garbage Collector Wants You to Know

Ever wanted to know what a day in the life of a garbage collector is like? Here's your chance.

9 Productive Ways to Make the Most Out of Getting Fired

If you suspect you may be getting laid off, or the moment has arrived, you can still use the situation...

8 Power Words That Will Make Your Resume Stand Out

You know you have the experience and skills to help you succeed at that job... but so do lots of...

9 High-Paying Jobs That Aren’t for Everyone

While these high-paying jobs definitely aren't typical, those who have them claim they're worth the bucks.

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15 Magic Phrases to Make Anyone Trust You

Slip these words into your conversations to build trust between friends and coworkers.

10 Tips to Help You Quit Your Day Job and Pursue Your Dream

You've heard the saying: "Failing to plan is planning to fail." These strategies can help you ensure a successful transition...

16 Best-Ever Money Tips from the World’s Most Successful People

People rarely find success by accident. Set yourself up for financial wins by following the advice of some of the...

This Is What Starbucks Employees Really Get Paid

A fair salary is just the tip of the iceberg.

16 Things Your Boss Wishes You’d Stop Wearing to Work

You won't be getting a promotion in any of these outfits. Learn which surprising pieces are killing your credibility in...

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This Is How to Get Cast as Movie Extra

Get ready for your (small) big-screen debut.

24 Things You’ve Been Saying Wrong This Whole Time

It's hard to remember those confusing grammar rules you learned all the way back in grade school. So we rounded...

9 Signs You’re in the Wrong Career—and How to Find Work You Love

Some three-quarters of employees would jump at another offer. Here's how to know if your career is screaming for change—and...

16 Signs Your Boss Actually Hates You (and What to Do About It)

It's not you, it's me. Or maybe it is you. Help!

8 Weird Jobs You Won’t Believe Actually Existed

A throwback to the jobs of the good—yet strange—ol’ days.

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20 Things Happy Couples Do After Work

Nothing says "I love you" like cleaning out the dishwasher! (Seriously.)

13 Social Media Posts That Could Get You Fired

The golden rule these days is to think before you tweet. Follow these rules to avoid learning this lesson—and

9 Clear Signs You Can’t Trust Your Boss

Working for an employer you respect and trust is essential for your health, happiness, and success in the office. These...

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14 Everyday Habits That Could Be Derailing Your Career

You get your work done and you're good at it, but if you're guilty of any of these habits, you...

9 Financial Planning Terms You Should Know by the Time You’re 40

If you haven't started thinking about your financial and retirement future and your 40th birthday is creeping up, it's time...

13 Funny Retirement Quotes to Celebrate the Milestone

To welcome your pal or loved one to the golden years, consider these funny retirement quotes to articulate your sentiment

16 Mind-Blowing Facts About Money That Will Make Your Jaw Drop

Harriet Tubman will soon replace Andrew Jackson as the face of the $20 bill, becoming the first woman in more...

14 Best Jobs Where You Can Be Your Own Boss

You'd be surprised what skills you can use to become self-employed today—you may not even need a college degree.