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House Cleaning

Keeping your home neat and tidy isn’t an impossible task once you know our best cleaning and organizing tips. We’re here to help with the only cleaning schedule you’ll need, along with advice on everything from cleaning your kitchen and bathroom to stain removal to doing your laundry the right way. Plus, we have strategies for organizing your bedroom closet, linen closet, pantry and more.

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How to Clean a Laptop Screen Without Damaging It

Whether you use a PC or a Mac, this guide will teach you how to safely clean your laptop screen

30 Motivating Songs for Cleaning to Make Doing Chores More Enjoyable

Get your body moving—and scrubbing!—with these good songs for cleaning

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How to Clean Your Windows Inside and Out, According to Cleaning Pros

Say goodbye to dirt and streaks! Once you learn how to clean windows the right way, you might wonder...

How to Clean Laminate Floors So They Shine

Laminate is a popular flooring material, but cleaning it requires special care. Learn how to clean laminate floors the right...

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How to Select the Best Dryer Settings for Your Clothes

Protect your clothes and save energy (and money!) by choosing the right dryer settings for your laundry needs.

How to Get Rid of Dog Smell from Everywhere in Your House

We love our dogs … but that doesn’t mean we have to love the stinky smells that accompany them. Luckily,...

How to Clean Oven Racks Quickly and Easily

Find out what cleaning pros say are the best ways to get your oven racks clean and sparkling

How to Clean Every Type of Shower Quickly and Easily

Think you know how to clean a shower? If you’re not following these tips for tile, stone and more, you...

How to Clean an Apple Watch Band So It Looks New

Sweat, spills and debris can make your Apple Watch band grimy. Here's how to restore its original luster.

How to Clean a Wooden Cutting Board Quickly and Easily

Bacteria, begone! Once you learn how to clean a wooden cutting board and sanitize it correctly, you can slice and...

How to Clean a Cast-Iron Skillet (Without Destroying It)

Versatile, durable cast iron cooks beautifully and isn't hard to maintain—no matter what you've heard. Here's how to clean a...

How to Clean Wood Furniture to Restore Its Luster

Wood furniture is beautiful in any room, but only if you clean and dust it regularly

How to Clean Popcorn Ceilings Quickly and Easily

Warning: The wrong cleaning supply or technique could irreparably damage these textured ceilings! Here’s how to clean a popcorn ceiling...

How to Clean a Glass Stovetop Quickly and Easily

Cleaning your glass stovetop has never been easier. With a few simple ingredients and 30 minutes, you can have your...

How to Load a Dishwasher the Right Way

Think you know how to load a dishwasher? Our experts do. Here's how to make your dishes shine.

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How to Clean Every Room in Your Home: Smart Tips That Make Housecleaning Easier, Faster—and Done!

Not sure where to start? Follow our expert housecleaning tips for your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and more to create a...

How to Clean Ceiling Fans Quickly and Easily

Create a healthier, happier home by learning how to clean ceilings fans safely and effectively

How to Clean Blinds and Curtains

Don't let your window treatments become a home for dust, dirt and grime. Learn how to properly clean blinds and...

How to Clean Kitchen Cabinets Inside and Out

Beautiful kitchen cabinets really catch the eye—and just about everything that splatters, smears or spills. Here's how to clean kitchen...

How to Clean Tile Floors Quickly and Easily

No matter the type of tile you have in your home, these expert tips on how to clean tile floors...

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Liquid vs. Powder Detergent vs. Pods: Which Is Best for Your Laundry?

Laundry experts break down the pros and cons of powder vs. liquid detergent, as well as pods. Find out which...

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Here’s How to Clean a Glass Oven Door Inside and Out

Cleaning the glass door of your oven can be a tough job, but these expert tips can make it easier

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How to Clean Grout and Remove Grime Quickly

Learning how to clean grout takes strategy. But with a little time, some household cleaners and minimal scrubbing, you can...

11 Polite Habits House Cleaners Secretly Hate—and What to Do Instead

Your intentions may be good, but these "helpful" habits don't help your house cleaner at all

How to Get Paint Out of Clothes: 3 Methods That Actually Work

Whether you're dealing with acrylic, latex, oil-based or dried paint stains, here's how to get paint out of clothes, according...

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12 Things You Shouldn’t Pour Down the Drain

It might be convenient to just rinse with water and flush it down the drain. But trust us, it’s worth...

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How to Wash “Dry Clean Only” Clothes at Home

If you forgot to drop your clothes off at the dry cleaners, and the "lucky" suit you want to wear...

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11 Things That Should Never End Up in Your Washing Machine

Trust us, it's worth the extra effort of making sure these things never end up in your next load of...