A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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Can You Identify Everyday Objects By These Close-Up Pictures?

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's...wait, what is it?

15 Cartoons Introverts Will Perfectly Understand

Let’s get this straight: Introverts are not necessarily shy nor have withdrawn from society. We have simply made a conscientious...

7 Pieces of Advice to Take from Your Grandparents and 5 to Forget

Your grandparents are very right about some things…and very wrong about others. This handy guide sorts out the good advice...

21 Nicest Things CEOs Have Done for Their Employees

What goes around, comes around, right? These CEOs have taken that lesson to heart—and in the process, they've changed their...

16 Unavoidable Facts About Domestic Violence

Every two seconds someone is a victim of domestic violence in the United States.

51 Favorite Facts You’ve Always Believed That Are Actually False

Napoleon wasn't short? Bananas don't grow on trees? Here, the world's most contagious myths and misconceptions debunked.

How to Get Facebook to Stop Showing You Old Memories

If only it were this easy to wipe old memories from your mind.

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The Most Popular Car the Year You Were Born

Take a stroll down memory lane, past the Studebakers, Skylines, Supras, and Saturns, on this fun automotive nostalgia trip. Here...

This Is What Your Favorite Snack Brands Used to Look Like

Take a trip down memory lane ... and then a trip to the pantry.

50 Mandela Effect Examples That Are Seriously Mind-Bending

If you've ever had a memory of something so vivid that you became flabbergasted upon learning it never happened, you'll...

13 Suicide Warning Signs That Are Easy to Miss

Death by suicide is on the rise, and it's affecting young and old alike. Learn the subtle signs that someone...

I Called A Suicide Hotline Once—Here’s Why I Hung Up

Here's what people with suicidal thoughts really need to hear, instead.

Here’s What Your Handwriting Says About You, According to an Expert

The way you dot your i’s and cross your t's means more than you may think. Here’s what handwriting analysis...

41 Little Grammar Rules to Follow to Sound Smarter

C'mon: Make your high school English teachers proud.

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This Is What Your Sleep Position Reveals About Your Personality

Ever wondered what your favorite sleep position says about your personality? How about your health? Here's what experts have to...

This Is Your Biggest Career Strength, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Not sure of your career path? Not confident in your professional skills? You might want to take a hint from...

14 Tricky Crossword Puzzle Clues That’ll Leave You Stumped

Ready for a challenge? These prime examples of wordplay and crossword lingo will give your brain a workout.

25 Things Only Middle Children Understand

The oldest is the first, the youngest is the baby—but where does that leave the middle-borns? For National Middle Child...

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50 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Left-Handed

Left-handed people make up only about 10 percent of the population. But that 10 percent has made quite an impact.

Can You Really Have a Photographic Memory?

While popular in movies and pop culture, the real answer is a little bit more complicated.

Doctors Reveal the Most Miraculous Recovery They’ve Ever Seen in a Patient

From premature babies to tough octogenarians, these people and their incredible stories baffled even medical professionals.

These 13 Bizarre Facts About Dreams Might Keep You Up at Night

Your dreams can be affected by when you dream, whether you smoke, your mental health, and more. And, by the...

The Real Reason People with Glasses Look Smart

If you've ever dressed up like a "nerd" for Halloween, glasses were likely a mandatory part of the costume. But...

Here’s Why Lefties Used to Be Retrained to Use Their Right Hand

Many natural-born lefties were forced into becoming righties throughout the course of history—and in some countries, they still are.

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7 Sneaky Things Your Voice Can Predict About Your Personality and Health

It's not just what you say—it's what you sound like when you say it.

25 Ways You Can Relax that Don’t Cost a Cent

Got no chill? Try these simple ways to relax and unwind today.

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The 12 Most Sought-After Items on Every Burglar’s Hit List

Burglars can't wait to get their hands on these items.