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22 of the Most Powerful Signs Seen at Black Lives Matter Protests

Updated Apr. 12, 2024

Powerful signs calling for social justice are seen all over the world.

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enough is enough black lives matter sign protests justice

The world has been caught up in a surge of protests against racism for the past few days. After the death of George Floyd, a Black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis after a police officer pinned him to the ground with his knee on Floyd’s neck, people began to rally to condemn racism and call for justice for Floyd (as well as the many other Black lives lost to police brutality). To highlight the important message of the Black Lives Matter movement, we rounded up some of the most powerful signs that were seen at the protests. To further educate yourself on what’s happening, make sure you also read up on why desegregation didn’t put an end to racism.

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A protester holds a placard saying 'Who Do We Call When...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Who do we call when police murder?

This powerful sign is from the protests in Southampton, United Kingdom, which was organized as part of a worldwide Black Lives Matter solidarity march. Protesters from all around the world have been standing in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States.

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A protester wearing a face mask holds a placard that says...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Silence is violence

If we don’t speak out against the injustices we see in the world, a change for the better can never be possible. If you’re thinking about going to a protest yourself, make sure you change these phone settings before you head there.

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A protester chants slogans while holding a placard saying '...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

White silence = Black deaths

Even if you’re not personally affected by racism, it is crucial to speak up against it. This sign was seen at the protest in front of the Orlando Police Headquarters in Orlando, Florida.

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A protester wearing a face mask holds a placard saying the...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

The colour of my skin is not a weapon

A person’s race or ethnicity does not make them a criminal. This sign was seen at a protest in the United Kingdom. Here’s why you should stop saying, “I don’t see color.”

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A protester wearing a face mask holds a placard saying say...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Say their names

In addition to George Floyd, there have been many Black people (like Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Delrawn Small) who have been lost to police brutality over the years.

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March To Support Black Lives Matter And In Response To Killing of George Floyd
MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images/Getty Images

If you are not angry you are not paying attention

This sign, seen in a protest in Pennsylvania, highlights the importance of speaking up against racism and injustice. These books are essential to help you understand racism in America.

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Black Lives Matter Movement Inspires Protest In London
Justin Setterfield/Getty Images

I can’t breathe

Security footage showed that before his death, George Floyd continually told the officers that he couldn’t breathe. Like Floyd, in 2014 a Black man named Eric Garner had also died after being put in a chokehold by a police officer, and Garner’s dying words, “I can’t breathe” have since become a rallying call for justice.

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A protester holds a placard with Who do you call when the...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Who do you call when the murderer wears a badge

If the people who are supposed to protect you are not doing their job, who do you call for help?

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Protester holding a placard saying, Racism is a system not...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Racism is a system not an event

It’s important to keep in mind when protesting that incidents of racism are all part of a bigger system. Now, check out these 12 podcasts about race you need to hear.

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Protest over the death of George Floyd in New York
Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

How many weren’t filmed

The four police officers involved in George Floyd’s death have been arrested. However, people have been wondering what would happen if there was no video of the events that led to Floyd’s death.

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Am I next

This powerful sign is from a rally in downtown Las Vegas, and talks about the anxiety that comes with living in a society where there is no social justice.

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A participant holding a sign at the protest. Thousands of...
Erik McGregor/Getty Images

I will never understand but I stand

You may not be able to understand racism if you haven’t experienced it personally. However, it’s still important to support social justice reform.

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Boyertown Pennsylvania Black Lives Matter Silent Protest
MediaNews Group/Reading Eagle via Getty Images/Getty Images

If you think your mask makes it hard to breathe, imagine being Black in America

This sign from a protest in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, really speaks for itself.

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Black lives matter

This powerful scene is from the protests in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.

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A protester holds a placard reading 'Pro black isn't anti...
Nicolò Campo/Getty Images

Pro-Black isn’t anti-White

Fighting for the rights of Black people doesn’t mean the loss of White people’s rights.

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Spain Continues To Ease Lockdown In Phases According To Region
Pablo Cuadra/Getty Images

Racism is the pandemic

To create a better world, it is crucial to end the spread of racism.

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Statues Draw Ire And Renewed Scrutiny Amid Anti-Racism Protests
Matthew Horwood/Getty Images

This place is dedicated to the slaves that were taken from their homes

Protesters in Bristol, England, toppled the statue of Edward Colston, a 17th-century slave-trader, and tossed it into the harbor. These protesters hung this sign in the place of the statue.

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A protester holding a BLM placard during the demonstration.
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Stop killing us

This sign is from a solidarity protest in Osaka, Japan. And if you don’t know what to do to support the Black Lives Matter movement, here are ways you can fight racism everyday.

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News - George Floyd Memorial Service - New York City
Ira L. Black - Corbis/Getty Images

Fight the power

It might be hard to fight against racism, but it’s still important to persist. Here’s what anti-racism means and what it means to be anti-racist.

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Black Lives Matter Demonstrations In UK Continue Into The Weekend
Guy Smallman/Getty Images

That’s not a chip on my shoulder, it’s 400 years of oppression and racial injustice

These protests are not unfounded, there is a real need for racial justice that spans over many years.

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Protesters wearing face masks hold placards during the...
SOPA Images/Getty Images

Racism is a disease, revolution is a cure

Social justice will make the society we live in a better one for everyone. If you cannot physically be there at the protests, here are the charities that need your support.

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March In Memory Of George Floyd In Krakow,
NurPhoto/Getty Images

Trans, queer, poor, young, old, all Black lives matter.

While fighting for social justice, it’s important to remember not to turn against people who are supporting the same cause. Next, you will be moved by these powerful protest photos from around the world to show global solidarity against racial injustice.

For more on this important issue, see our guide to the Fight Against Racism.