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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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9 Things All Good Listeners Do During Daily Conversations

Communication is crucial in this high-stress, high-speed, and high-tech world. Sometimes amid all that’s going on, we forget to really...

9 Subtle Things Your Nail Polish Color Reveals About You

Here's why neon feels youthful and a clear shellack means you've got business to attend to.

9 Tricks Every Procrastinator Should Know to Be More Productive

Never seem to get things done? Here, tiny steps that will kick your procrastination habit to the curb.

7 Sneaky Reasons You Never Finish Your To-Do List

These to-do list-making mistakes can hinder you from reaching your goals. Here's how to write a more effective to-do list.

9 Important, Invisible Job Skills You Might Not Realize You Have

It’s not just the bullet points on your resume that make for a successful career. These little workplace habits and...

5 Geniuses with Serious Procrastination Problems

Have trouble making yourself begin a project? Don't worry: you're in brilliant company.

Get Through Hump Day: 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Happier at Work

If you think you have to love, love, love your job to be happy at work, consider this research that...

3 Little Ways to Avoid Dreading Sunday Nights

Reclaim happy weekends by using these tactics from to avoid hating Sunday nights.

10 Things People Won’t Tell You When You Lose Your Job

You can wallow, or see your job loss as an opportunity for self-discovery.

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18 of the Best Jobs for Introverts

You don't need to have a big personality to make a big impact in your career—and to earn a big...

10 Winston Churchill Quotes That Get You to the Corner Office

Kick your way to upper management with these quotes from the fierce British leader, who was born on November 30,...

Meet the World’s Dumbest Criminals, Politicians, and Bosses

Head-scratching decisions … Ludicrous power trips … Bizarre regulations … Of course we’re laughing at these guys!

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How Google Became the Best Place to Work

For the fourth consecutive year, Google was named the best company to work for by Fortune magazine. Here's why.

25 Jobs in Demand Right Now

Check out 25 exciting jobs that are in high demand right now.

Dress Codes Defined

You've just been invited to a wedding, party, or business event. Here's a handy guide to help you decide what...

Creative Ways to Personalize Your Workspace

You spend 40 or more hours per week in your office or cubicle, so why not make it your own?...

How to Assert Yourself at Work

The way you talk, sit, and introduce yourself can all affect how your colleagues perceive you. If you’re not getting

What HR People Won’t Tell You About the Job Interview

HR pros reveal job interview dos and dont's.

How to Write Your Memoir

Thinking about your legacy? Wondering how to achieve a small measure of immortality? Write a memoir.

7 Healthy Lunch Salads to Take to Work

The perfect food to fuel your workday.

13 Ways to Be a Better Co-Worker

Get to know the people you spend 40 hours a week with better with these simple behavioral changes.

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13 Funny Job Descriptions

Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip, asked visitors to his website to describe their job in one sentence....

How One Woman Built a $400 Million Trucking Business

How one woman from Detroit built a $400 million business simply by delivering the goods.

24 Ways to Brighten Your Morning

The morning is probably no one's favorite part of the day, particularly if you stayed up the night before to...

Meet the Man Behind Zumba: Beto Perez

He built a global empire helping people have fun and burn calories.

9 Recession-Proof Careers

Despite the economic downturn, these careers are still growing.