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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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20 Business Secrets from the Savviest Girl Scout Cookie Sellers

Need motivation to get ahead in your career? Look no further than these Girl Scouts, who have a stronger entrepreneurial...

11 Highest-Paying Jobs That Require Zero Experience

It's tricky to land a job that requires prior experience if you cannot get a job to gain that much-needed...

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15 Things You Didn’t Know Your Mac Laptop Could Do

You won’t believe what you’ve been missing—and how much easier it will make your life.

Business Travel: Read This Before You Have to Travel for Work

From navigating an airport and a rental car line to finding healthy food options along the way, traveling for work...

14 Careers That Could Make You a Millionaire Before You Retire

In a survey of millionaires, these are the top careers where you could sock away a million by the time...

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Why Wednesday Is the Best Day to Take Off Work

Not taking a long weekend might be better for your health in the long run.

11 Things to Never Say at Work

You know better than to say racist comments, spew blatant sexual harassment, and discuss politics in the workplace, but there...

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Is It Bad to Forcibly Shut Down Your Computer?

Pressing the power button to turn off your computer can save time—but can it also damage your machine?

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13 Women CEOs Who Made History

It's now 2020, and while women have been making some impressive inroads, breaking the glass ceiling of certain industries has...

14 Signs That Your Boss Is Spying on You

Have you ever had that funny feeling that someone is watching you? At work, it's probably true—here are the signs...

How to Sign a Document on Your Computer

More businesses are moving into the future by embracing e-signatures. Here’s what you need to know to sign correctly and...

This Is the Average Commute Time in Every U.S. State

Americans spend an inordinate amount of time commuting to work each day—find out how your state stacks up.

Why Writing—Not Typing—Will Make You Smarter

Choosing a pen over a keyboard does wonders for your memory.

This Is the Day You’re Most Likely to Call in Sick

Sick days are sometimes contagious, as any boss can tell you. Find out when workers are more likely to be...

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15 Gmail Hacks Guaranteed to Free Up an Hour of Your Day

How to file your entire inbox automatically and the basic keyboard shortcuts that are too simple not to remember (hint:...

Here’s How Your Employer Knows Everything You Do Online

Forget about just reading the emails you send on your work computer. Your employer could be monitoring your every keystroke.

16 Things CEOs Always Do Before Bed

From journaling to playing video games, these strategies help CEOs fall asleep easily, wake up happy, and seize the day....

How One of the Largest Delivery Services Prepares for Christmas

After learning how UPS delivers Christmas to millions worldwide, you may never complain about your own hectic holiday season again!

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Finally! A Definitive List of What Those F1 – F12 Keys Do

You can stop wondering about those function keys. We have the answer.

What to Eat Before Making a Big Decision

About to make a big decision on an empty stomach? You may want to delay the choice until you fire...

15 Creative Ways to Volunteer and Make a Difference

If you have a favorite hobby or activity, volunteering for a related cause can make a big difference in your...

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Do Career Tests Actually Work? I Tried 5 of Them to Find Out

It turns out that knowing yourself is the key to choosing the perfect career, with or without a test.

11 Self-Made Millionaires Reveal the Book That Helped Them Get Rich

Sure, becoming a self-made millionaire takes a lot of hard work and maybe a little luck. It also involves listening...

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19 of the Scariest Moments Pilots Have Experienced on the Job

Flying is still considered the safest mode of transportation, but these pilots have stories that may make you reconsider that...

5 Easy Ways to Make Money from Home (Instead of Working Overtime)

Try these age-proof ways to start earning more money without leaving home

The Highest-Paying Job in Every State

It doesn't matter if you're a recent college graduate or a workforce seasoned pro looking to make a major career...

12 Ridiculous Office Rules That Companies Have Enforced

Here's a look at some ridiculous office rules—from the odd to the annoying.

19 Things Firefighters Wish You Knew

Firefighters are a vast source of knowledge when it comes to preventing and surviving house fires. Here's what America's Bravest...

20 Things You’re Probably Blaming on Millennials—But Shouldn’t

You'd think millennials were responsible for everything! Here's why some of the country's recent trends aren't their fault—or why they've...