A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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This Is the Most Commonly Misspelled Word on Job Resumes

You can't rely on spell check to catch this one.

8 Daily Habits of Naturally Productive People

Who knew putting pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, could be as simple as these easy steps.

This Is How Much Money Mall Santas Actually Make

Does the job come with a lot of dough-ho-ho?

10 Cover Letter Disasters that Won’t Get You an Interview

Job hunters, take note of these 10 costly cover letter mistakes and boost your chances of getting an interview and...

Here’s How the American Dream Has Changed over the Years

The American Dream in the '30s looked quite different from today's vision of it.

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9 Funny Jokes to Defuse Awkward Situations at Work

The workplace is a hive of intrigue. But sometimes the right gag will stop a problem in its tracks.

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10 Celebrities Who Used to Work at McDonald’s

Before they started attending awards shows, they had to put on their uniform and clock in at the famous fast...

HR Reps Confess The Most Cringe-Worthy Things They’ve Seen From Job Candidates

Human resource pros share the worst things they've seen, from real candidates trying to get hired. Here's what not to...

21 Annoying Coffee Shop Habits You Have, According to Starbucks Baristas

Your phone is the bane of your barista's existence.

9 Spelling and Grammar Mistakes Spell Check Won’t Catch

There are some human errors that only humans can catch.

7 Ways to Secretly Look for a Job While You Still Have One

It's tricky enough to craft the perfect resume and cover letters, scroll through job listings, and go on interviews—but it's...

17 Things Amazing Bosses Do Every Day

A look at the big and small picture things some of the most successful and beloved bosses do to inspire...

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How to Handle 7 of Life’s Most Embarrassing Moments

The real test of our manners comes when we are dealing with our most embarrassing moments. Here are some doozies,...

10 Things to Always Do on Your Last Day of Work

Whether you're departing on a high note or a low one, the last day of work can be awkward and...

The Soft Skills That All Hiring Managers Are Looking For

Listen up, job seekers! Forget your technical chops—here are the qualities you really need to succeed.

18 Signs You Have a Terrible Boss

Why refusing to take a sick day and never saying anything negative about your work are actually signs you may...

12 Signs Your Workplace Is Toxic

Your work environment can make a huge impact on your health, which is why it's so important to ensure that...

11 Secret Habits of Straight-A Students Even Post-Grads Will Want to Steal

It's not about brains, or about the amount of time spent studying. Many of the highest-scoring students attribute their success...

13 Easy (and Scientifically Proven!) Ways to Look Smarter

Fool others about your intellect…or are they fooling you about theirs?

8 Ways to Build Trust with Your Coworkers

Generally, one-third of our days are spent at work. This work environment can either enhance or diminish employee morale and...

10 Strange Food Jobs That Actually Exist

You don't have to be a chef to work with food. Check out these rare and strange job ideas for...

10 Body Language Secrets That Will Make You More Successful

Success depends on more than just a shiny resume.

12 Cool Jobs That Don’t Require a College Degree

Our culture emphasizes education as the path to satisfying and lucrative careers. Education is one path to success but not...

12 Common Budgeting Mistakes to Avoid in Early Retirement

Don't sabotage a long and happy retirement. See what a financial advisor has to say about avoiding common budgeting mistakes.

How to Make Small Talk, According to People Who Do It for a Living

Not everyone is born with the gift of gab. If small talk doesn't come naturally to you, here are some...

Successful People Do These 8 Things Each Weekend

Time management expert Laura Vanderkam reveals the subtle secrets to restorative and productive weekends in her book ‘What Successful People...

15 Jobs You Can Land Without College

Not all career paths include a college campus. No college degree? Consider these jobs for which higher education isn't a...

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11 Things Highly Organized People Do on Their Smartphone

Take advantage of these neat tips and let your phone keep your life together.

18 Craziest Things 911 Dispatchers Have Ever Heard on the Job

As you read these wacky stories, please keep in mind that 911 is for life-threatening emergency situations. Not because, say,...