A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Knowledge - Psychology

We promise you there are no mind games here! Instead, come explore the incredible range of the human mind, from depression facts to happiness secrets.

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10 Habits of People Who Never Get Stressed

You know that saying, "You want something done, give it to a busy person"? There's truth to it. So what...

9 Conditions That Look Like Autism—but Aren’t

While the symptoms may seem similar, these conditions aren't actually autism. Here's how experts tell the difference.

12 Subtle Signs of Child Abuse That Are Easy to Miss

Look beyond just physical bruises. Changed behavior, aggressive role play, lack of boundaries... these are all red flags.

12 Things You Should Never Lie About

You might think that lying is a gracious way to address a situation or avoid awkward discussions. In reality, lies...

10 Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About Ambidextrous People

A tiny fraction of the population can use both hands with equal skill. Here's the biology behind this cool ability,...

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11 of the Most Famous Riddles in History

From the Bible to Shakespeare to Harry Potter, these riddles were dreamed up by some of history's most celebrated writers—and...

12 Tricks Con Artists Use to Win Your Trust

Getting conned could be as simple as a stranger knowing your name. Be careful.

13 Sneaky Things in Your Home That Trigger Anxiety

Anxiety triggers aren't always easy to identify—if fact, they could be the ordinary things in your home that you would...

This Is Why People Are So Afraid of the Number 13

There are a few reasons this number gets such a bad rap.

What Your Birth Order Really Reveals About You

Birth order has a great influence on child development, specifically because parents tend to raise each sibling differently—which can be...

16 Explanations You Don’t Owe Anyone—Really

The choices we make define us, so we deserve to be confident in those decisions—No justification necessary. These are the...

This Simple Trick Can Help You Fall Asleep in 60 Seconds or Less

You can finally quit counting sheep—for good!

8 Math Lessons You’ll Actually End Up Using in Real Life

You're probably using math way more than you think.

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11 Subtle Ways Your House Can Predict Your Personality

Your shower, your closet, and your pantry say a lot more about you than you realized.

10 Little Compliments You Should Be Giving Every Day

Spread a little happiness with these nice things to say to friends, colleagues, and even total strangers.

10 Signs You’re Smarter Than You Realize

Do you doubt yourself? Are you content with being alone? What about this one: Are you a chocolate lover? All...

Busted! 10 Disgusting Habits We All Do in Secret

These strangely satisfying habits may be socially unacceptable, but that doesn't stop them from being widely practiced.

17 Memory Tricks for the Most Commonly Misspelled Words

Use these memory tips and tricks to help you conquer those hard-to-spell words!

13 Times Fortune Cookies Literally Changed People’s Lives

That fortune can be surprisingly accurate—or incredibly beneficial: Check out these amazing stories of fortune-cookie inspired luck.

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This Is Where You Can Find the Original McDonald’s Fried Apple Pie

The mere memory of a fried apple pie is enough to make nostalgic fans drool, but the dessert has been...

56 Secrets Life Coaches Won’t Tell You for Free

There is no one secret to life but there sure are a bunch of smaller secrets that can help you...

If You Prefer to Be Alone, You Could Be a Genius

Love canceled plans and prefer to stay in? You're probably pretty smart.

11 of the Most Inspiring Quotes from the Dalai Lama

We rounded up some of our favorite Dalai Lama quotes that can teach every reader something new.

9 Foods That Calm Anxiety (and 3 That Make It Worse)

Scientists are just beginning to recognize the connection between food and our brain. Eat these nutrients for a wave of...

23 Top Psychology Tricks to Spend Less While Shopping

These science-backed secrets reveal why and how you spend to help you become a more mindful shopper.

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10 Incredible Benefits of Owning a Pet

As if you needed another reason to love your furry friend, your pet could give you these health-boosting benefits.

10 Silent Signs Your Child Is Being Bullied

Experts share which behaviors are major red flags.