A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of everyday life. We know relationships aren’t perfect, but we can help guide you through advice on how to fix common issues, things you should and shouldn’t say to the people in your life, and, of course, roundups of funny cartoons and quotes to remind you that laughter can be the best medicine.

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20 Funny Test Answers That Are Secretly Genius

Even though the answers were very wrong, all of these students should at least get some points for creativity.

16 Things Smart People Do for End of Life Planning

You can leave your family scrambling to make arrangements—or calmly executing your wishes. Here's what you need to know about...

This Veteran Found His Long-Lost Love After 75 Years

Grab a tissue. This romance between a World War II veteran and his long-lost love spans decades and proves that...

What Is Mental Math? Tricks to Help You Ditch the Calculator

First of all, it doesn't mean doing trigonometry in your head.

I Was Adopted—Here’s What Everyone Gets Wrong About Adoption

While adoption is wonderful in many ways, it comes with its own set of unique challenges. Sometimes, those challenges come...

8 Heartwarming Stories of Older Children Who Finally Found Their Forever Home

It's not just infants who need forever families. Grab a tissue: These adoption stories will make you cry—in the best...

18 Things You Won’t Find in Schools Anymore

As things evolve, so does the way students are taught, and that means classrooms look a lot different than they...

14 Things Polite People Always Say

Using polite words and phrases will help you turn on the charm, navigate awkward moments and defuse tension

20 Things You’re Probably Blaming on Millennials—But Shouldn’t

You'd think millennials were responsible for everything! Here's why some of the country's recent trends aren't their fault—or why they've...

25 Famous People You Didn’t Know Were Adopted

Families form in many different ways. These celebrities not only understand the beauty of adoption, they've lived it.

14 Parenting Rules the Royals Have to Follow

Even in our modern times, there are some traditions British royal parents can't escape.

30 Tips to Help You Live Long, Be Happy, and Have Financial Success

You can’t avoid getting old. But 
the decisions you make now about 
how you spend your day (and your money!)...

8 Pieces of Advice to Take From Your Parents and 7 to Forget

"Do as I say, not as I do" isn't a kind warning, it's just bad parenting. Here's more advice from...

7 Pieces of Advice to Take from Your Grandparents and 5 to Forget

Your grandparents are very right about some things…and very wrong about others. This handy guide sorts out the good advice...

What Is a Fling Relationship? 12 Signs You Might Be in One

You met someone, and you're completely over the moon. But is your partner on the same page, or is this...

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25 Best Cartoon Movies for Family Movie Night

Pop the popcorn! It's time to snuggle up on the couch for family movie night with the greatest cartoon movies...

14 Ways to Save Serious Money on Your Next Disney Vacation

Walt Disney World truly is one of the most magical places on earth. It's also one of the most expensive....

6 Things You Should Never Do on Facebook (and 6 to Always Do)

Do you know the unspoken rules of social media interaction? We asked the expert for their best strategies for managing...

How to Win Monopoly, According to a Monopoly World Champion

Houses or hotels? Orange properties or railroads? A world-champion Monopoly player offers his best strategies for how to win Monopoly,...

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17 Ridiculous Dating Etiquette Rules from the 1950s

Here’s a look back at some dos and don’ts that show why spending a Saturday night with your sweetheart during...

25 Funny Family Photos That Are Hilariously Awkward

You've probably been captured in some pretty hilarious family photos over the years, but they're probably not as strange as...

10 Hilarious Back-to-School Photos That Remind Us How It Used to Be

It's the one day that never goes as planned, but is ALWAYS captured on film.

The Surprising Day Princess Diana Called the “Worst in Her Life”

Hint: It wasn't Prince Charles' favorite day either.

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The 5 Love Languages Everyone Needs to Know

What makes one person feel loved isn't always the same for another. In fact, everyone understands and receives love in...

15 Things Stepkids Wish Their Stepparents Knew

Getting remarried? Listen up: Stepchildren get really real about the good and bad of having another parental figure come into...

What Homecoming Looked Like in the 1950s

The celebrations were just as big, but the dresses and football uniforms have changed quite a bit.

What Happens to Your Body When You Wear a Heavy Backpack Every Day

Toting around all of your stuff doesn't have to cause back pain. Learn how your backpack is affecting you—and what...

How to See Who Follows You on Facebook

If you frequently worry about your Facebook privacy, you might wonder exactly who can see your profile. Here's how to...