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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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Take These 5 Steps to Insure That Your Identity Is Protected Online

Every time you pull out your credit cards, you're giving someone an opportunity to steal your identity. Follow these steps...

Americans Have $1.4 Trillion in Student Loan Debt—But Who Gets All That Money?

That’s more than the annual salaries of everyone who lives in Australia combined.

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You Can Now Take 600 Free College Courses Online Thanks to These 200 Universities

Attending and paying for college can be stressful. But this doesn't have to be the case.

13 Things Librarians Won’t Tell You (But Every Reader Needs to Know)

Avoid late fees, get the most out of your library card, and find out what's really in those book drops.

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Yes, Kate Middleton Did Have a Job before Royal Life—Here’s What She Did

Believe it or not, the Duchess was once just like us.

10 Things a Single Parent Wants You to Know

Raising kids is hard enough with two parents in the equation, so how do people do it with only one?...

11 Key Organizational Skills That Will Help Get You Promoted at Work

Towering piles of paperwork do not portray a professional image. A cluttered desk looks chaotic and sticky notes stuck to...

Here’s Exactly How Often the Most Productive People Take Breaks

If you're looking to get more done, you may want to consider working less.

Follow These 8 Public Speaking Tips to Nail Your Next Presentation

Giving a toast at a wedding or a presentation in front of hundreds won't be scary once you know these...

10 Life Hacks That Take the Stress out of Moving to a New City

Moving to a new city, especially for the first time, can be stressful, overwhelming, and lonely. These tips can help...

Science Finally Has an Explanation for Why the Clock Slows down When You Stare at It

Time flies when you're literally anywhere else but at your desk.

16 of the Trickiest Job Interview Questions—and How to Nail Them

Practice these thoughtful answers to tough job interview questions, and you'll be sure to impress.

10 Tricks for Setting Up the Most Productive Workspace

Having a hard time starting new projects at work? Maximize your time at the office with these simple tips to...

You Can’t Earn Someone’s Trust Without This One Thing, According to an FBI Agent

Forget the “golden rule.” You should start following the “platinum rule,” instead.

This Is What the 15 Most Common Jobs in America Actually Pay

Whether you're looking for a new job or just want to see how your salary ranks, read on!

You Can Get Paid Just to Surf the Web in Your Free Time—Really!

Isn’t getting paid for what you do during your downtime on the weekends the ultimate dream?

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This Website Can Help You Make a Foolproof Password to Keep You Safe from Hackers

Because a combination of your graduating year, your high school mascot, and an exclamation point doesn't always cut it.

This Is the Perfect Age to Retire, According to Science (Hint: It’s Not 65!)

A Japanese doctor says the average retirement age is completely wrong.

14 Life Tips Every Recent Grad Needs to Have in Their Back Pocket

Learn how to transition into adulthood and an avoid existential crisis with these necessary pieces of advice for finding your...

Wearing Crazy Socks Is Scientifically Proven to Make You More Successful

Break out those pizza socks. You’re going to want the world to see them.

What You Need to Do to Bounce Back Stronger from Failure

We all make mistakes. It's how we handle it that can make matters better—or worse.

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Job Hunters, Listen Up: Here’s How to Land a Job Using Google’s New Job Search Engine

Finding your next gig just got WAY easier thanks to this streamlined search site.

Is Your Coworker Trustworthy? 9 Signs They May Not Have Your Best Interests in Mind

While every industry yields its own set of unique trends and expectations, whom you work with day-in and day-out is...

7 Ways to Look More Trustworthy in Professional Networking Photos

For when your LinkedIn profile pic needs an update.

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There’s a Reason You Work Better in Coffee Shops

Enjoy your latte with an extra dose of productivity.