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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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8 Huge Mistakes Women Make When Asking for a Raise

Across the board, women are significantly less likely to ask for a raise than men. Over decades of working, this...

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What Your Handshake Really Reveals About Your Personality

From too firm to too limp, and too rushed to too long, people judge a lot about you by your...

12 New Networking Rules You’ll Need to Land That Dream Job

Need to brush up on your networking skills? Career guru Kelly Hoey, author of Build Your Dream Network, shares the...

14 Social Media Moves That Could Completely Sabotage Your Career

Don't put that dream job or promotion in jeopardy! Here's how social media affects your job opportunities—and how you can...

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Your Password Recovery Questions Are Insanely Easy To Hack—and You Might Be to Blame

Lucky for you, we turned to the experts for tips on fixing them.

The Truth About What Happens When a Doctor’s Mistake Takes a Patient’s Life

Doctors and nurses make deadly errors every day and are reprimanded for them. But don’t they also deserve some support?

Forget Classical Music—This Soundtrack Will Make You Insanely More Productive

Once you hear it, you'll never got back to your old tunes again.

This Infographic Is Your Ultimate Guide to Dressing for Work

Just how casual is business casual? Do you need to wear heels? When you're not sure what to wear, use...

Leggings as Pants? We Settle the Debate

Here are the fashion rules for wearing leggings as pants.

What It Was Like to Attend the Best Secretarial School in 1960s America

As a Katharine Gibbs girl, she learned typing, shorthand and punctuation, all while wearing high heels and white gloves.

14 of the Best Apps for Becoming More Productive and Organized

From the best apps for organizing your home to apps for streamlining your family's schedules, we've rounded up the top...

The Best Way to Explain a Resume Gap, According to Top Recruiters

You know you'll be asked at your next job interview about any significant breaks from work. Here's how to answer...

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If You Know 20 of These Tech Words, You Are Officially a Computer Genius

Ever feel like a dinosaur when young relatives, coworkers, or kids start speaking in tech terms and phrases that sound...

Successful People Do These 10 Things After Work

It’s not all work and no play. Here’s how successful people manage to de-stress, work out, and carve out family...

The One-Minute Trick That Will Instantly Improve Your Handwriting

If you can’t read your own notes, you’re probably using the wrong body part to write.

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7 Signs You’re Headed for Work Burnout

This is about way more than a couple of stressful days.

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This May Be the Single Most Important Job Perk to Ask for, After Health Insurance

Despite all the advice you've heard about the most desirable job benefits, there's one that will improve your health and...

10 Caring Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has Breast Cancer

For starters, never assume a coworker battling cancer wants to minimize her workflow.

11 Ways the Most Productive People Handle Their Emails

Even though it’s meant as a tool for productivity, email end up as nothing more than a distraction. Productivity expert...

This Is the Single Best Excuse for Calling in Sick, According to Your Boss

A recent survey found the top 10 excuses for staying home—and what bosses actually think of them.

Everyone Should Know the “20-Second Rule” for Breaking Bad Habits

Make nasty habits a little harder to follow, and your brain will do the rest.

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10 Hacks to Free Up Space on Your iPhone (Without Deleting Photos!)

Tired of the message, “There is not enough available storage"? Read on.

7 Magic Phrases to Help You Nail Public Speaking

These sayings will bring your next presentation from meh to memorable.

You’ve Got This: Mental Tricks to Feel in Control When Everything Is Going Wrong

You can’t control everything in life, but you do have a say in your own actions. When you feel like...

The 18 Best Things You Can Do for a Stress-Free, Productive Start to Your Workday

Why you should sip green tea and only check emails for 15 minutes.

15 Body Language Mistakes You Make During Job Interviews

The majority of our communication comes from body language. Here's how to avoid sending the wrong message—and sabotaging your job...

22 Tricks to Keep Your Office Desk Neat

'Sanitation Weekly' just named your office Dump of the Year. You’ve worked hard for this honor—hoarding junk, creating a dust...