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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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Before You Hit “Unsubscribe” on Unwanted Emails, Read This First

Being flooded with spam emails is certainly annoying, but beware of the danger that lurks in your inbox. Experts warn...

How Long Does a Background Check Take?

The background check for a new job doesn't need to be a mysterious process. Here's everything you need to know...

The 20 Most In-Demand Jobs for 2024

Worried about job security? These are the jobs that companies desperately need to fill this year and beyond.

12 Recession-Proof Careers That Will Survive the Next Economic Downturn

As economists point to signals that a recession could be around the corner, here are the industries that experts say...

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18 Jobs That Might Disappear in the Next 25 Years

Is your job in danger of becoming obsolete? If it's on this list, you're at risk—no matter how good you...

There’s $40 Billion in Unclaimed Money: Here’s How to Find Out If Any Is Yours

There's over $40 billion in unclaimed funds, unclaimed money, and other unclaimed property owed to individuals by the government, bank,...

21 Nicest Things CEOs Have Done for Their Employees

What goes around, comes around, right? These CEOs have taken that lesson to heart—and in the process, they've changed their...

How Much Money Do YouTubers Make?

Could you quit your job and make a living off posting videos?

After Surviving a Bullet, This Police Dog Changed the Law

Officer Miller was told not to get attached to his K9, but he couldn't help it. Then the dog almost...

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The Gmail Trick That’s Been Around for 15 Years—But Few People Know About It

People with more than one Gmail address should take note.

Is It Legal for Restaurants to Include Mandatory Tip?

Tips and services charges aren't synonymous.

How to Be More Productive In Your First Hour of Work

After you grab coffee, chat with your coworkers, and scan your email, the first hour of your workday has blown...

13 Bad Work Habits That Make You Seem Unprofessional—and How to Break Them

Even superstar employees can be guilty of these common bad work habits. Are you?

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The Real Likelihood You’re Being Watched Through Your Laptop Camera

We've all heard that our computer camera can be used to spy on us. Is it true? Is it even...

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How to Decline a Job Offer Without Burning Bridges

When a professional opportunity doesn't feel like a good fit, these expert-approved tips can help you bow out gracefully.

This Is How Much Target Managers Really Get Paid

It takes a lot of work to manage a Target!

Can You Solve the Brain Teaser Elon Musk Asked in Job Interviews?

We admit, this question definitely stumped us.

The 4 Facial Features People First Notice About You

Hint: It’s not your eyes, nose, or mouth.

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20 Cyber Security Secrets Hackers Don’t Want You to Know

Computer hackers have lots of tools to threaten your Internet security, but these tips from cybersecurity experts can help protect...

How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself,” According to Recruiters

The goal of any job hunter is to make it to the interview process, but nerves might kick in once...

41 Little Grammar Rules to Follow to Sound Smarter

C'mon: Make your high school English teachers proud.

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6 Polite Ways to End a Conversation

Bound by manners and common decency, you can find it difficult to walk away from a conversation without seeming rude....

7 Surprising Things Your Outfit Color Says About You

Here's why yellow might be off-putting and blue could land you the job.

10 “Innocent” Things You Didn’t Know Could Get You Fired

Some employment don'ts are obvious, but these seemingly innocuous behaviors could also cost you your job.

The 10 Attributes of Wildly Successful People You Should Memorize Now

You know those people who seem to ace everything in life? Researchers have uncovered their secrets to success.

This Is Your Biggest Career Strength, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Not sure of your career path? Not confident in your professional skills? You might want to take a hint from...

16 Smart Ways You Can Get Your Boss to Trust You

Developing trust between you and your boss will make you a better worker, and you’ll likely end up with the...

10 Jobs Americans Can’t Live Without

Sometimes the most important workers are the ones behind the scenes. These are the jobs Americans can't live without—the crucial...