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Work & Career

They say you spend over a third of your life working, so you might as well love what you do. Whether you are loving every second of work, searching for a new career, or just trying to make the workday a little more bearable—Reader’s Digest is here with the tips, tools, and strategies to help you get to work.

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7 Reasons You Need To Clean Your Laptop ASAP

Dirt, dust, and grime—oh my! If you never clean your laptop, you're doing your health (and the health of your...

This Is How Much Target Employees Really Make

The real question is how much of their paycheck goes to Target shopping?

This Is How Often You Need to Back up Your Computer

Here's how often tech pros say you need to back up your computer, and the best methods of backing up...

10 Tricks to Make Your Computer Run Faster

Over time, as your computer (and technology in general) ages, your computer is bound to run a little slower than...

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This Is What McDonald’s Workers Really Get Paid

Yes, there is another reason to love McDonald's beyond their fries and nuggets.

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11 Things That Frustrate Every Grocery Store Employee

We've compiled grocery store employees' biggest pet peeves. Are you guilty of any?

15 Craziest Requests Shoppers Have Made in Stores

Retail workers have heard more than their share of ridiculous questions. Here are some of our favorites.

11 Fascinating Facts About the FBI You Won’t Believe Are True

Read quickly (before this message self-destructs).

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11 Tricks to Make Your Laptop Battery Last Longer Than Ever

Having your laptop constantly run out of juice is no fun. That's where these handy tips come in. You're welcome.

How to Keep Your Purse Safe from Thieves

Your bag might be the last thing on your mind when you’re enjoying a great meal or cocktail, but an...

15 Outrageous True Stories of Dumb Employees

Note to staff: One Direction breaking up is NOT a valid reason to call in sick.

19 Serious Court Cases with Hilarious Names

'Terrible v. Terrible.' 'Schmuck v. United States.' Sometimes, nobody wins.

The One Quality Steve Jobs Always Looked for in Employees

The trait is also surprisingly underrated.

8 Easy Ways to Get Rid of Squeaky Shoes

Noisy shoes can make you feel self-conscious every time you take a step. These tricks will silence the squeaks.

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We Finally Know How Autopilot Works on an Airplane

The process isn’t as carefree as you might think.

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Here’s Why Amazon “Employs” Thousands of Dogs

Yes, the dogs that appear on Amazon's error pages are real dogs—and they're an important part of Amazon's company culture!

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15 Hidden Job Perks You Should Be Asking For

If your negotiating stops at the salary, you could be leaving a lot on the table.

13 Things You Can Do to Get a Promotion

The first rule on how to get a promotion is to stop thinking of it as something you "get" and...

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Here’s What It’s Really Like to Work for the Royal Family

Former staff reveal what it's really like to have a queen or prince as your boss.

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This Supermarket Is the Largest Employee-Owned Company in America

That may be why it's employees are so loyal.

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14 Grammar Myths Your English Teacher Lied to You About

Your English teacher would probably be mortified, but you can safely ignore these grammar "rules."

Finally! Here’s When to Use “E.g.” Versus “I.e.”

We’re all guilty of making this mistake.

10 Subtle Things that Will Get You Noticed at Work, According to Managers

Ever wish you could tell what your boss is thinking? Join the club. That's why we got real employers to...

10 Things You Must Consider Before Dating a Coworker

What happens if you fall in love at your workplace? Can you handle it professionally, without jeopardizing your career, or...

Why Jeff Bezos’s Two Pizza Rule Is One of the Secrets to Amazon’s Success

It's a delicious solution to all of your business woes.

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9 Reasons Your Password Is Going to Get You Hacked

You may feel like your password is safe because it uses letters, numbers, and an ampersand, but don't be so...

16 Words and Phrases You Should Never Have on Your Resume

Leaving weak words and phrases on your resume takes up valuable space. Here's what to delete—and what to add—to improve...