A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.


Q: What do you call a kid who doesn't believe in Santa? A: A rebel without a Claus.

Santa’s in Debt

Q: What do you call a bankrupt Santa? A: Saint Nickel-less.

Christmas Cut

Q: Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber? A: It needed to be trimmed.

Jingle, Rinse, and Spin

Q: What is Santa Claus' laundry detergent of choice? A: Yule-Tide.  

Holiday Half Bath

Q: How does Santa keep his bathroom tiles immaculate? A: He uses Comet.  

Santa Is A Punk Rocker

Q: What's Santa's favorite song by the Ramones? A: Blitzen-krieg Bop.  

Soul Santa

Q: Why does St. Nick like the Temptations’ version of Silent Night best? A: Because Santa Was A Rolling Stone.  

The Backboard Blues

I was teaching my 3-year-old granddaughter, Taylor, how to shoot baskets on her child-sized basketball hoop. After missing three shots in a row, she gave me the ball and said,...

Grandma Knows Best

When our son was young, his grandma joked about the Sandman and how he put kids to sleep by sprinkling “sleepy sand” in their eyes. Later that day I found...

Musical Mayhem

When my grandson Gavin was 4 years old, he loved to “play” the piano. Once, when he was done, we forgot to close the lid to the keys. As we...

Dance Lesson

Some time ago, my daughter Nori was writing an essay she called, “It Takes Two to Tangle.” I tried explaining to her that the saying is actually about the tango,...

A Fishing Fiasco

My son Ryan was 2 years old when his daddy took him out to the little trout pond we built in our backyard. His dad spent a few minutes showing...

Fence Sitting

Living on a farm all his life, my dad was used to climbing over fences. The quickest way was to place both hands on the top rail and bound over...

Backseat Driver

A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him something. The driver screamed and lost control of the cab, nearly hit a bus and drove...

Computer Commute

Q: Why did the computer show up at work late? A: It had a 
hard drive.

A Ribbiting Story

When I was teaching kindergarten and had a cold, I would often get laryngitis with it. One day a student asked me, “Do you have a frog in your nose?”

Farm Language

Marrying into an established farm family has provided quite the education. I anticipated the long hours. I anticipated the hard work. I even anticipated the laundry room piled with mountains...

My Hurry-up Hairdo

Getting two young children and myself dressed and ready for church was challenging. As we rushed out the door, I knew it was going to be a close call getting...

Critter Commotion

As I was driving the other day, I saw a sign on a business that read “Whistlepig Alley Antiques.” It reminded me of an event that happened many years ago...

Paint Diet

Q: Why did the dieter go to the paint store? A: He wanted to get thinner.

How Sweet

Q: Why do watermelons have fancy weddings? A: Because they cantaloupe.

Grapes of Wrath

What does a grape say when it gets stepped on? Nothing, it just lets out a little wine.

He’s In the Grave-y

Did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness? He pastaway.

Thirst Quencher

Boy, I just got hit in the head with a can of soda. I was lucky it was a soft drink.

Whatta Ham

Q: What do you get when you play Tug-of-War with a pig? A: Pulled-Pork.

Clam Up

I went to a seafood restaurant and slipped. I pulled a mussel.

Emotional Wedding

It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers.

The Garnish King

Q: What do you call the king of vegetables? A: Elvis Parsley.


You know what’s hard to beat for breakfast? A boiled egg.

Let’s Toast

I always have toast with my breakfast because I’m lack-toast intolerant.

Better Latte Than Never

Spending a lot of time at the coffee bar can cause a latte problems.

funny hot dog

Did you see the movie about the hot dog? It was an Oscar Wiener.

Milking It

A guy just threw a glass of milk at me. How dairy!

Thyme to Laugh

I was going to grow an herb garden, but I couldn’t find the thyme.


The majority of Americans find bananas a peeling.

Pricey Candy

The price of candy at the movie theater is ridiculous. They're always raisinet!

Pancakes Vs. Waffles

Every morning I think I’m going to make pancakes, but I keep waffling.

Perfect Candy Canes

I love when candy canes are in mint condition.

Vegetarian Diss

Becoming a vegetarian was a huge missed steak.

Snowman’s Savings

Q: Where do snowmen keep their money? A: In a snow bank.

Coming Soon

Mom and Dad told Julia, our granddaughter, that she was going to have a baby sister or brother. “It’s a secret and we don’t tell secrets,” they said. In Sunday...

One Day at a Time

While our great-granddaughters were getting ready for bed on Christmas Eve, Molly had a loose tooth that she wanted to pull. Addison said, “Don’t you dare pull that tooth out...

A Fresh Start

On New Year’s Eve, I’ll join my friends to toast the days ahead. We’ll all stay up until it’s late, then eat a tasty spread. At midnight, though, I might...

Not So Hot Lunch

My grandson picked up his son, Graham, after work and asked him what he had for lunch.

Graham said, “Cold.” Turns out, they had chili.

Kung Fu Santa

Did you hear that Santa knows karate? He has a black belt.

Circus Comes to Church

When my son, William, was young, we belonged to a small country church. On Communion day, deacons would pass around the “bread and juice.” One Sunday, we attended a church...

Good Grooming

Pollen and allergies got the best of Liam, my 9-year-old son, so he stayed home from school with his grandma. When I got home from work, he said he had...

Catch Me If You Can

Several years ago we headed to a nearby town to visit some relatives. I had a new car and was having fun driving fast on the twisty country roads. As...

Pack a Lunch

While walking along a trail, my 7-year-old grandson, Ryan, commented, “There’s a fork in the road back there.” “Really?” I asked, imagining someone’s missing silverware. But then a thought occurred...

Funny Mutt

What breed of dog tells 
off-color jokes? A smutt.

A Crunchy Canine?

My 7-year-old, Ethan, was excited about his turn for show-and-tell coming up. He asked if he could bring our dog. Ethan has a classmate who has severe allergies to nuts,...

Playground Rules

Last year my youngest granddaughter, Samantha Grace, started kindergarten. After a few days, she came home and said, “Grandpa, I learned the slide rule today.” I was happy to hear...

Talk About Drained

After a long Thanksgiving Day of eating and playing, my 3-year-old granddaughter asked her mother to carry her. When I asked if her legs were broken, Aislin said, “Yes, they’re...

Don’t Squish the Squash!

One fall day my daughter, Mia, and her boys were walking in the garden so she could show them the autumn harvest. Making sure they looked where they were stepping,...

A Thorny Subject

Our 8-year-old granddaughter Raven,  a city girl, asked to help me cook. “Get some potatoes out of that red basket,” I said. The potatoes were starting to sprout but were still...

Quill Question

A grandpa told his grandson that ballpoint pens hadn’t yet been invented when he was a boy. “Was that back when they used feathers?” the child asked.

Agriculture Class

My sister is a teacher in our rural district. During afternoon class, she had a flyswatter hanging out of her back pocket. One of her students said “she looked like...

Learning About Letters

“I would like vitamins for my son,” a mother said. “Vitamin  A, B or C?” the pharmacist asked. “It doesn’t matter,” the mother replied. “He can’t read yet.”

Not for Sale

My wife noticed an interesting home advertised in the local paper and decided to visit the open house. Upon arrival she thought it strange that there was no “for sale” sign,...

Caller ID

A couple was expecting a baby. On the way to the hospital, the parents-to-be realized they were not going to make it in time, so the man called 911 for...

Golden Years

At his birthday party, my grandson said, “I love you,” and I replied, “I love you, too.” Then he said, “I wish you were 5 years old like me so...

Another Man’s Treasure

Asked by the teacher to give the definition of a yard sale, my niece Melissa, then 14, said, “It’s stuff you sell to neighbors and friends because they don’t have...

Breakfast Buffet

When we saw a mare nursing her colt, my daughter Jennifer asked me what the horse was doing. I explained that the mare was giving the colt some milk. After...

Winter Dogs

Q: What are hot dogs called in winter? A: Chilly dogs

Return to Sender

I was picking up my letters at the post office when I heard a boy ask his mother if they had gotten any mail. She said, “No, just bills.” Then...

A New Angle

Q: How do you stay warm in an empty room?

A: Go stand in the corner—it’s always 90 degrees.

Drowned in Data

Did you hear about the statistician who drowned crossing a river?

It was three feet deep, on average.

A Negative Number

Q: Why should the number 288 never be mentioned?

A: Because it's two gross.

Show Your Work

Q: Why was the math book depressed? A: Because it had so many problems.

Monster Math

Q: Are monsters good at math? A: No, unless you Count Dracula.

An Upsetting Trend

I just saw my math teacher lock himself in his office with a piece of graph paper.

I think he must be plotting something.

When Mathematicians Drink

Infinitely many mathematicians walk into a bar. The first says, “Give me a beer.” The second says, “I’ll have a half a beer.” The third says, “A quarter of a...

An Odd Joke

Q: Why do teenagers always travel in groups of 3, 5, or 7?

A: Because they can’t even.