A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

An Old Army Truism…

Coffee tastes better if the latrines are dug downstream from an encampment. Source: milhist.net

Zero Smarts Thirty

While in Kuwait, shortly before we deployed to Iraq, a major general told our meeting that we should expect to cross “into Iraq in less than 24 hours.” He then...

Expanding Inventory

I spotted several pairs of men’s Levi’s at a garage sale. They were sizes 30, 31, and 32, but I was looking for size 33. So I asked the owner...

Parenting Is Easy—I Swear!

The biggest change after having kids was putting a swear jar in the house. Whenever I say a bad word, I have to put a dollar in the jar, and...


Jimmy Fallon asked his viewers to tweet #IGotBusted and share the most embarrassing times they got caught. “I was on Facebook at work, and my boss walked up. I slammed...

A Wee Little Triumph

Try as she might, our granddaughter couldn’t grasp the concept of potty training. Then one day … Success! Jumping up and down, she threw her arms in the air and...

Squeaky Clean

My friend called me in hysterics. “I just saw a mouse in my kitchen!” she yelled. “I’m so grossed out! It’s so disgusting!” “What are you going to do?” I...

A Horse Of A Different Species

Scene: Horseback-riding stable. Mom: Those horses are awfully big for my daughter. Me: Our horses are very sweet … Mom: Don’t you have something smaller? What about that one over...

Tiptoe Through The Typos

Gauging from these exam excerpts, my college dance students had better stick with pliés. “The costumes were vindictive of the style of dance.” “I commend Bill T. Jones for his...

Strapped For Cash

During college, I worked on a conveyor belt. One day, I was on a blind date, and she asked me about my job. “I work at the end of a...

Despite All His Rage…

Billy Corgan, the lead singer of the rock band Smashing Pumpkins, on the perils of life as a rock star: “I’ve moved on to other things. Obviously I love rock...

Easier Said Than Done

Client: We need you to log in to the YouTube and make all our company videos viral. From clientsfromhell.net

A Trashy Career

“Has your son decided what he wants to be when he grows up?” I asked my friend. “He wants to be a garbageman,” he replied. “That’s an unusual ambition to...

Duper Man

I wonder if Superman ever put glasses on Lois Lane’s dog and she was like, “I’ve never seen this dog before. Is this a new dog?” @Robfee

Toto, We’re Not in Cans Anymore…

What did the Tin Man say when he got run over by a steamroller? “Curses! Foil again!” Submitted by Paul Stewart, 
Richmond, Utah

A Long-Winded Limerick

A crafty young bard named McMahon, Whose poetry never would scan, Once said, with a pause, “It’s probably because I’m always trying to cram as many extra syllables into the...

An I.Q. Too High To Buy

A scientist tells a pharmacist, “Give me some prepared tablets of acetylsalicylic acid.” “Do you mean aspirin?” asks the pharmacist. The scientist slaps his forehead. “That’s it!” he says. “I...

Contested Rules

What do you mean, I didn’t win? I ate more wet T-shirts than anyone else. @PeachCoffin

New and Improved Names for Boring Everyday Things

• Couch = People Shelf • Books = Manual Films • Bracelets = Clockless Watches • Air Horn = Spray Scream • Bottled Water = Snowman Blood • Feather = Bird Leaf From sliptalk.com

Blessed Are The Red-Necked

“What’s wrong, Bubba?” asked the pastor. “I need you to pray for my hearing,” said Bubba. The pastor put his hands on Bubba’s ears and prayed. When he was done,...

The Worst Page in The Dictionary

Just found the worst page in the entire dictionary. What I saw was disgraceful, disgusting, dishonest, and disingenuous. @sixthformpoet

Save The Cake!

I left the mess tent of our northern Iraq base, carrying a piece of triple-chocolate fudge cheesecake. Just then, an enemy mortar exploded nearby. I hit the ground with one...

The Boss’s Boss

My nephew was in the bathroom shaving when the phone rang, so his four-year-old daughter, Amanda, answered. It was her father’s sergeant. Hearing a child’s voice, the sergeant said, “Hello....

A Tough Question For Teacher

My friend is an elementary school teacher who shares her classroom stories on Facebook. She recently posted the following: “Question of the day: ‘Miss Kassa, do you work?’ ” Kathy Surey,...

Schizophrenic Bookkeeper

Q: What did the schizophrenic bookkeeper say? A: I hear invoices! Stephen Pickering, Marshall, Michigan

Performing for Kindergartners

I was performing my musical act at an elementary school one day. The principal charged all the kids 25 cents each to impress upon them that art isn’t free. As...

Honest Out-Of-Office Replies

• “I am currently out at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position.” • “Hi. I’m thinking about what you’ve just sent...

Insulation Discrimination

Anyone who says the sexes 
were created equal hasn’t worked 
in an office with one thermostat. Matt Wohlfarth

A Phonetic Phail

Scene: I’m on the phone with a customer. Me: Was the first letter of that name an F as in Frank or an S as in Sam? Customer: It’s an...

Roach But No Cigar

When the coffeemaker went on the fritz, I joked that maybe it was the fault of the cockroaches. Our office manager was not amused. “We don’t have cockroaches,” she said,...

Wendy Liebman on School Reunions

I went to the 30th reunion of my preschool. 
I didn’t want 
to go, because I’ve put on, like, 100 pounds. Wendy Liebman

Rita Rudner on Math and Marriage

I’ve never been good with math, but I accepted it from an early age. My teacher would hand me a math test, and I’d just write, “I’m going to marry...

Larry Miller on Prayer in School

As long as there is algebra, there will be prayer in school. Larry Miller

Mike Vecchione on Detective School

[I enrolled in] a private-detective school online, and I paid online. But then I never heard from them again. I thought, Either I got ripped off, or this is my...

Kate Mason on Useful Education

Nothing I learned in school prepared me for life. My first book should have read, “See Dick balance his checkbook. See Jane leave an unhealthy relationship. Run, Jane, run!” Kate...

Craig Anton on Dreaming Big

I want to take one 
of those English as 
a second language courses—just go in and blow everybody away on the first day. Craig Anton

I Like My Men Like I Like My …

Sweatpants—Warm. Resilient. Covered in cookie crumbs. Babies—Adorable. Potty trained. With a nice crib. Knives—Easy to handle. Clean-cut. In the kitchen. Cheese—Sharp. Good with wine. Easily molded. Books—Novel. Unpredictable. With a...

The Wrong Side of History

After arriving late to the Tower of London and to Buckingham Palace, the tour group finally arrived at Runnymede. The guide announced, “On this very spot, the historic Magna Carta...

A Cut Above

Two little boys are in a hospital, lying on gurneys next to each other. “What are you in for?” asks one. “I’m here to have my tonsils taken out,” the...

A Shallow Donation

A man knocked on my door and asked for a donation toward the local swimming pool. So I gave him a glass of water. Comedian Greg Davies

Why Texting Order Matters

My husband and I rented a cottage, and our son agreed to join us in a few days. I texted him to bring fuel for the fires, as the evenings...

Q: What Does Mom Use to Clean?

I was playing a guessing game with my four-year-old grandson. The clue: “It’s something your mom uses to clean.” The correct answer: A broom. My grandson’s answer: “A cleaning lady.”...

Bros Before Hose

I couldn’t understand why my son was so outraged by his friend drinking out of our hose. “What’s the big deal?” I asked. “Mom,” he moaned, “he puts his mouth...

Not So Magical After All

After many trips over the years to Disney World with our nephew, my husband and I were eager to hear about his first time there without us and on his...

A Puzzling Questionnaire

While filling out a doctor’s medical questionnaire, I was stumped by this entry: “Choose one: Hispanic __ Non-Hispanic __ Other __.” Roberta Frank, Norwalk, Connecticut

Good Samaritan or Schmoe?

When I saw an elderly woman struggling to get her walker out of the car, I jumped into action. I grabbed the walker by the handles and tussled with it...

The Medic Needs a Medic!

I was a medic in the Army. One day, I woke up with terrible back pain. I went to the sick hall, where I was told I’d be taken to...

How to Make an Impression at Your Next Meeting

• Translate percentages into fractions: If someone says that “25 percent of people clicked on this button,” quickly chime in with “So about one in four,” and make a note....

The Job You Want

My style is “dress for the job 
you want,” and the job I want is 
unemployed independently wealthy eccentric recluse. —@behindyourback

The Best Person to List as an Emergency Contact

Among the questions on the job-application forms I handed out at our factory was one asking whom to notify in case of an accident. One job seeker wrote, “Anybody in...

The Subway Sign Pun-Off

A London commuter hurrying to a job interview pushed and cursed a man on a crowded subway—the man who was to conduct the interview. Our commuter didn’t get the job,...

A Letter to The Editor… Then Another One

Earlier this year, sports editor Robert Cessna received two e-mails from an irate reader. The first excoriated him for leaving out the fact that the Texas A&M women’s basketball team...

“What’s Good Tonight?”

The question we hate having to answer at our family-owned restaurant is “What’s good tonight?” Obviously, we would never serve anything we didn’t think was good. So I braced myself...

Kristen Carney on Instagram Etiquette

“I can’t wait until your vacation is over.” 
—Everyone following you on Instagram @kristencarney

Kevin Nealon on Airplanes

I think my pilot was a little inexperienced. We were sitting on the runway, and he said, “OK, folks, we’re gonna be taking off in a just few—whoa! Here we...

Kumail Nanjiani on Coney Island

The Coney Island Cyclone is one of the oldest roller coasters in the world … built in 1927. Yeah. They should change the name to “1927!” because that fact is...

Dennis Miller on Train Travel

Some people like to travel by train because 
it combines the slowness of a car with the cramped public exposure of 
an airplane. Dennis Miller

Dumb Clients: A Different Color

Client: The blue looks OK, but it would be great if it was a little more orange. Like “blorange.” Source: clientsfromhell.net

Steven Wright on Tourism

I walked up to a tourist information booth and asked them to tell me about a couple of people who were here last year. Steven Wright

How to Find a Foxhole

My gunnery sergeant and I were inspecting a Marine training exercise when we spotted a second lieutenant ambling about. “Where is your foxhole, Lieutenant?” I asked. He snapped off a...

Lew Schneider on Sunblock

We use a really strong sunblock when we go to the beach with the kids. It’s SPF 80: You squeeze the tube, and a sweater comes out. Lew Schneider

Peter Serafinowicz, on Denial

There's no “I” in denial. Peter Serafinowicz

Smart-Asses Work in Restaurants, Too

I phoned a local restaurant to ask if it was on the north or south side of Main Street. The person on the other end answered, “That depends on which...

Plotting Your Afterlife

Spotted in the classifieds: “For sale: cemetery plot, $200, so 
I don’t have to spend all eternity 
beside my ex!” Anthony Cialella, New Castle, Pennsylvania

Matt Wohlfarth, on Nostalgia

I admit that I live in the past, 
but only because housing is so much cheaper. Comedian Matt Wohlfarth

Flower Girl in Perpetuity

For serving as flower girl for her aunt, three-year-old Sydney received a doll and bridal-themed gifts. Sydney was so thrilled, she ran to her aunt and announced, “I want this...

The Smell of Delta

Delta Airlines is infusing its cabins with a lavender-and-chamomile scent called Calm. The Week asked its readers to come up with a better name to match “the ambience of the...

Expecting a Food Baby

I had food poisoning and woke up early in the morning to vomit. My mom e-mailed all my teachers saying that I would be late to school because of “morning...

Bested by a Parrot

Wandering inside a pet store, I stopped in front of a birdcage to admire a parakeet. We watched each other for a few minutes before it asked, “Can’t you talk?”...

Yearbook Signers Beware…

My son and I were checking out a house he was interested in buying. When the owner came to the door, she looked at me and said, “Larry? I know...

A Tough Question, by Jay Leno

How come you never see a headline like “Psychic Wins Lottery”? Jay Leno

A Tough Question, by Bill Bailey

Nostalgia: How long’s that been around? Bill Bailey

A Tough Question, by Betsy Salkind

Why is there so much pressure to spend Independence Day with other people? Betsy Salkind