A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Long Day

I was asked to participate in a video for work, so I brought in a couple of outfits and played thespian for a day. At the end of the shoot,...

Wrong Direction

I answer a lot of questions at the information desk at Olympic National Park, in Washington State. But one visitor stumped me: "Do you have any trails that just go...

Form Fitting

A patient at my daughter’s medical clinic filled out a form. After Name and Address, the next question was "Nearest Relative." She wrote "Walking distance."

The Fringe Benefits

After I applied for jobs at both a library and a shoe store, my husband said he hoped that I’d get the one at the store. "It would be nice...

Odd Christmas Visit

From an article on the Woolacombe Bay Hotel in Devon, England: "Their three-night Christmas break includes a packed program of family entertainment, a crèche, excellent cuisine, and a visit from...

A Second Opinion Joke

My friend was at the beauty parlor when she overheard another woman rattle on to the manicurist about the sad state of her marriage. "Things have gotten so bad," she...

My Hero

Last Thanksgiving, my niece came home with her school project: a beautiful autumnal leaf with the words "I am thankful for my mommy" printed on it. Her eyes tearing, my...

Perfect Attendance

Our local newspaper lists recipients of school awards. Beneath one photo, the caption read "This year’s Perfect Attendance Awards go to Ann Stein and Bradley Jenkins. Not present for photo:...


The week we got our puppy, I caught a stomach bug and stayed home from work one day. That afternoon, my wife called to check up on me. "I’m okay,"...

The Best Advertisment

The antiaging ad that I'd like to see is a baby covered in cream saying, "Ah! I've used too much!"

Job Hazards

I had an inauspicious start as a dog groomer when one of my first clients bit me. Noticing my pain, my boss voiced her concern. "Whatever you do," she said,...

The Odds

I was mugged twice last year. The odds of getting mugged once are 1 in 50. The odds of getting mugged twice are 1 in 2,500. The odds that I...

A Camel's Life

Max the little camel walks into his parents' room at 3 a.m. and asks for a glass of water. "Another one?" says his father. "That's the second glass this month."

Letter Home

A letter I received from my son stationed in Baghdad: Mom, Yesterday I was part of a security detail for Kid Rock, Kellie Pickler, and comedian Lewis Black. This morning,...

Pulling Together

A guy drives into a ditch, but luckily, a farmer is there to help. He hitches his horse, Buddy, up to the car and yells, "Pull, Nellie, pull!" Buddy doesn’t...

The Last Facebook Status Update

Frank Ferri … is standing over a patient in the operating room, scalpel in hand, wishing he hadn’t lied on his résumé about being a surgeon. Here goes nothing …...

Unused Gift

Fresh out of gift ideas, a man buys his mother-in-law a large plot in an expensive cemetery. On her next birthday, he buys her nothing, so she lets him have...

Bad Breath

We should have a way of telling people they have bad breath without hurting their feelings: “Well, I’m bored. Let’s go brush our teeth.” Or, “I’ve got to make a...

Other People's Tattoos

Other people's tattoos are like other people's children: Only you can see how bad they are.

Life on an Island

Louie was shipwrecked and lived alone on a desert island for years until he was finally rescued. Before leaving the island, he gave the rescue party a tour. "I built...

Quips From P. G. Wodehouse

In honor of British humorist P. G. Wodehouse’s 128th birthday, a few choice quips from his books: "He looked as if he had been poured into his clothes and had...

The Clothes Make The Cat

I dressed my dog up as a cat for Halloween. Now he won't come when I call him. —Comedian Reid Faylor (@reidfaylor )

Protesting Too Much

Arrested on a robbery charge, our law firm’s client denied the allegations. So when the victim pointed him out in a lineup as one of four men who had attacked...

Check One

Some people might object to filling out the part of our company’s job application form that asks "Race." Not one guy. He responded, "Only on the interstate."

Front Office

When our students began raising donations for Child Abuse Prevention Week, the school administration did its part by setting up a collection box outside the principal’s office and displaying a...

All in the Name

My neighbor’s boat has a peculiar name: Innuendo. After failing to divine some deep, hidden meaning, I asked him how he came up with the name. He answered, "My wife...

Reading Material

Winner of the Self-Defeating Sign on a Store Periodicals Rack Award: "Do Not Read Magazines!

Odd Job

Our daughter took the afternoon off from her job at the funeral home to visit her daughter in preschool. When one of the kids asked what she did for a...

Weary Travelers

Worshippers are greeted by these words at the Travelers Rest Church: "Do Not Sit on Steps."

The World’s Dumbest Criminals: The Inanity Defense

Every year we track down the dumbest criminals in the world. Thinking of joining their ranks?


I was leading a tour through Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico when a woman asked, "How many miles of undiscovered passageways are there in this cave?"

Table Talk

A customer called our rental store to ask about rectangular tables. I told him we had six-foot and eight-foot tables. His response: "What's the difference?"

Noise Makers

With a party going full bore in the apartment above his, my friend could forget about getting any sleep. The next day, he spotted the offending party giver. "Didn’t you...


I was leafing through one of my hunting catalogs when I found something that made me laugh. "Look," I said to my wife. "What I’ve always wanted: a camouflage toilet...

The Brakes

The first time my son was on a bike with training wheels, I shouted, "Step back on the pedals and the bike will brake!" He nodded but still rode straight...

Heavy Looking

Having avoided the scale for a few years, my husband finally got up the nerve to climb aboard. Unable to read the numbers, he got off to grab his eyeglasses...

Contact Info

I was feeling pretty creaky after hearing the TV reporter say, "To contact me, go to my Facebook page, follow me on Twitter, or try me the old-fashioned way-e-mail."

Defensive Driving

I'm not good at sports, but I like parallel parking. Unlike sports, the worse you are at parallel parking, the more people you have rooting for you.

Heard on the Street

Conversation #1 Girl #1: This whole Ben situation is really starting to tick me off. Girl #2: I know! I just don’t know what his deal is. Girl #1: He...

The Pearly Gates

The burial service for the elderly woman climaxed with a massive clap of thunder, followed by a bolt of lightning, accompanied by even more thunder. "Well," said her husband to...

Last Trip

"Are you all right?" my seatmate on the plane asked, after noticing tears roll down my cheeks. "I’m flying my husband’s ashes to Michigan for burial," I explained, "and it...

Time Issue

My grandfather was sipping a beer when he confessed to me he’d drunk more than usual the day before. "What’s more than usual?" I asked. "A case." "You can drink...

Greener Pastures

Before leaving my assistant job for greener pastures, I was asked to reply to applicants hoping to replace me. "Very smart and intelligent," my boss had written on one of...


Stanley R. Zegel was rear-ended while stopped for a red light. Police were told by the driver of the offending car that he had been distracted looking at a paper...

Newest Mother

A little boy went to the library to check out a book titled Comprehensive Guide for Mothers. "Is this for your mother?" the librarian asked. "No," said the boy. "So...

Calling It

Doing rounds, a new nurse couldn’t help overhearing the surgeon yelling, "Typhoid! Tetanus! Measles!" "Why does he keep doing that?" she asked a colleague. "Oh, he likes to call the...

The Good Old Days

I have no respect for gangs today. They just drive by and shoot people. At least in the old days, like in West Side Story, the gangs used to dance...

An Excellent Vintage

A drunk walks into a drugstore and asks for a bottle of mouthwash. "I’m not selling you that," says the druggist. "You’ll drink it for the alcohol and get sick...

Simple Directions

Despite his low opinion of lieutenants, the sergeant kept a respectful tone as he taught us how to bail out of a plane in an emergency. "Sirs, to open the...

Born in a Small Town

It never dawned on my brother and me just how small our hometown really is. But we found out when we drove past a marquee near the square. It read...

So When Do I Start?

How do you get human resources to remember you? Try pulling some of these actual interview stunts. Balding applicant abruptly excused himself and returned a few minutes later wearing a...

Motivational Tactics

A survey sent out to our contractors posed the question "What motivates you to come to work every day?" One guy answered, "Probation officer."

Brand New Technology

To commemorate his first visit to our library, I gave a six-year-old boy a bookmark. More familiar with electronic gadgets than old-school tools, he had no clue how it worked....

The Good News

With Bible in hand, I read to my high school religion class, "For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife." "Okay," I...

Police Blotter

Suspicious person: Officer made contact with a man walking backward down a street. When asked, the man told the officer he did not want anyone sneaking up on him.

A Surprise

Last Valentine’s Day, I arrived at the doctor’s office where I work as a receptionist to find a mystery man pacing up and down holding a package. As I got...


I walked into the lobby of my apartment building recently and was greeted by this notice: "To whoever is watering these plants, please stop. They are the property of the...

Car Nut

My husband is a car nut. That’s why I could appreciate the card he gave me on our fifth wedding anniversary. It read "The last 72,000 miles of my life...

Shopping for Clothes

After giving birth, I couldn’t lose the 40 pounds I’d gained. So I dragged my husband to the mall in search of more flattering clothes. We were encouraged by a...

Self Promotion

Waiting my turn to enter a rotary intersection, I noticed a guy drive around twice, then leave by the same road he’d entered. His vanity license plate read "GENIUS."

Flight Training

An amateur pilot wannabe, I knew I’d finally made progress with my flight training the day my instructor turned to me and said, “You know, you’re not as much fun...

Enduring Love

My granddaughter asked why I called my husband Hon. "It’s a term of endearment," I explained. My husband mumbled, "After more than 40 years, it’s a term of endurement."

4 Funny Attempts at Speaking English

English is tough to learn, as these attempts from classes in English as a second language prove: "Do you like this food? I made it from scratching." "I never liked...

Family Restaurant

The night we took our three young sons to an upscale restaurant for the first time, my husband ordered a bottle of wine. The server brought it over, began the...

Conference Call

During a conference, I was pleasantly surprised to be seated next to a very handsome man. We flirted casually through dinner, then grew restless as the dignitaries gave speeches. During...

4 Creative Ways to Get Hired

How do you get hiring managers to hire you? Don’t pull these actual, creepily creative stunts: Applicant put up posters of himself in the company parking lot. Applicant announced his...

A Positive Outcome

A little boy was brought into our emergency room after ingesting part of a plug-in air freshener. After consulting Poison Control and monitoring him, the doctor wrote on his discharge,...

Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month is a good example of when a person can be a winner and a loser at the same time.


During a job interview at my granddaughter’s pharmacy, an applicant was asked, "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" "No," he answered. "My hearing is scheduled for next week."

The Miracle of Life

In lectures on human genetics, I explained to my college students that males determine the sex of the offspring by contributing either an X or a Y chromosome. So at...

Full of It

Our coworker Patrick shared his worst workday ever. He was at an appliance store and the delivery truck had broken down, which meant he was flooded with angry phone calls...

Open House

From this week's church bulletin: "Coming up—Theological Open House. We discuss thought-provoking topics. Your opinions are hardly welcome."

What Boys Want

"Boys just like one thing," my ten-year-old told a friend. Oh, no, the end of her innocence, I thought. Then she announced her finding: "PlayStations."