A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Pets & Animals

Whether you have a fur baby you adore, are thinking of getting one, or are just an animal lover, this is the place for you. We’ve got answers to your pet questions and advice, fascinating facts about creatures big and small, and, yes, cute pictures.

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13 Things You Never Knew About Penguins (and How to Help Them)

It's hard not to fall in love with waddling, tuxedo-wearing penguins, which is why it feels extra depressing that many...

15 Facts (and Pictures!) That Prove Penguins Are the World’s Most Adorable Animals

Every day is a good day to appreciate these tuxedo-wearing birds.

50 Secrets Your Veterinarian Won’t Tell You

We asked veterinarians and vet technicians to reveal pet vet tips and cautionary tales, which can save time, trouble, and...

15 Penguin Pictures That Will Absolutely Melt Your Heart

They wear tuxedos daily with panache and they waddle. What's not to love?

10 Shockingly Common Dog Dangers in Your Own Backyard

Are you sure your backyard is perfectly safe for your pooch? Fix these every day, surprising dangers and turn your...

22 Hilarious Bird Photos You Shouldn’t Miss

Get a bird's-eye view of some of the funniest bird photos sent in by readers.

The Most Amazing Animal Photos of 2022

From funny to ferocious to downright adorable, these incredible shots will give you a new appreciation for nature.

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10 Signs Your “Healthy” Pet Is Showing Dog Illness Symptoms

Scratching and chasing their dog tails are normal habits, right? Not necessarily. Here's how to tell when all is not...

10 Crazy Things Mice Have Done in Homes

Where did all of the dog's food go? And where is that grocery receipt? You'll be surprised by the hoarding...

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13 Revealing Secrets Your Dog Knows About You

Dogs notice when you're sad, mad, or suspicious. They can even detect cancer. Turns out, dogs know more about your...

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10 Incredible Benefits of Owning a Pet

As if you needed another reason to love your furry friend, your pet could give you these health-boosting benefits.

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15 Training Secrets Dog Trainers Won’t Tell You for Free

Our lovable, furry companions can be mischievous and naughty at times. The knee-jerk reaction is to shout "No!" or "Bad...

14 Cat Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Book an appointment with the vet if you notice any of these cat symptoms and abnormal behaviors

11 Symptoms of Dog Arthritis Every Pet Owner Should Know

Humans aren’t the only ones who can get arthritis—but they are the only ones who can voice it. Watch out...

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21 Vintage Photos (and Paintings) of Royal Dogs Throughout History

It's not just Queen Elizabeth II that adores her doggies. Throughout history, members of the British royal family have had...

13 Signs You Should Think Twice Before Adopting That Shelter Dog

You need love, that dog needs love… What could go wrong? Lots. Don't judge shelter dogs by their looks and...

10 Animals with Real Superpowers That Would Make Superheroes Jealous

The amazing abilities that these creatures possess may seem like something out of a comic book, but they're totally real.

12 Things That Should Never Be Put on a Moving Truck

Moving is stressful enough without being blindsided by items that your movers won't be able to take on the truck.

Here’s Why There Are So Many Snakes on the Loose

If you encounter one, take a deep breath and a few steps back!

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15 Weird Dog Laws You Didn’t Know Existed in America

Your pup feels like part of the family, but alas, the law considers him "property," which explains how any of...

These Are the Pet Combinations That Are Most Likely to Hate Each Other

Just like humans, animals have their own unique personalities. When you pair two different species together it can be harmonious—or...

8 Things That Will Probably Be Extinct by the Year 2030

New technology is bound to leave these common household items in the dust.

19 Toxins Lurking in Your Backyard

Your backyard is supposed to be a safe place, but you could have toxins hiding in plain sight that are...

Home Remedies for Fleas: 12 Easy Tips Worth Trying

Keep your home, dog, and cat flea-free with these easy home remedies that use natural ingredients to keep your entire...

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Is It OK to Let Your Cat Sleep in Your Bed?

Most cat parents love it when Kitty curls up in bed next to them; it's so pure and cozy! But...