A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Interpersonal relationships are a vital part of everyday life. We know relationships aren’t perfect, but we can help guide you through advice on how to fix common issues, things you should and shouldn’t say to the people in your life, and, of course, roundups of funny cartoons and quotes to remind you that laughter can be the best medicine.

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12 Golden Rules of Conversation

Follow these timeless tips for being a good conversationalist from The Art of Conversation. 1. Avoid unnecessary details. Don’t sidetrack.

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6 Ways Apples Have Been Used to Predict Love

Check out these funny ways young ladies used to use apples to discover their future spouse from the book "Superstitions."

Answered! Life’s 25 Toughest Questions

Is love ever forever? When do kids become adults? Why is the line you're in always the slowest? Mysteries of...

15 Powerful Steps for Surviving Infidelity in Your Relationship

These steps are the slow and careful way to surviving infidelity, but if you and your spouse work together, you...

8 Ways to Reconnect with Your Spouse and Strengthen Your Relationship

Even happy couples go through periods of feeling disconnected. Here's how to get the spark back in your relationship.

11 Rules for Raising Teenagers

Ellen Pober Rittberg, author of the book, "35 Things Your Teen Won't Tell You, So I Will," shares her rules...

The Dos and Don’ts of Dealing With Your In-Laws

Getting along with your in-laws doesn't have to be difficult. These tips can help you create a healthy relationship.

Top Tips for Buying Baby Clothes

Use these six guidelines when purchasing clothes for babies to avoid being left with expensive garments your little one wore...

10 Steps to Healing a Relationship After an Affair

Learn ways to rebuild trust after infidelity.

14 Ways to Resolve Conflicts and Solve Relationship Problems

When problem-solving everyday issues becomes a tug-of-war over who’s right and who’s wrong, then settling even the smallest of discussions

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25 Secrets About Marriage

Couples who've been married up to 50 years share their tricks to making wedlock work.

14 Old-School Tricks to Help You Remember These Everyday Facts

These simple rhymes and mnemonic devices can help you recall everything from the alphabet to the Wonders of the World.

This Man Wants You Dead: Osama bin Laden

The following Special Report by Kenneth R. Timmerman was originally published in the July 1998 issue of Reader’s Digest. ———-

How Boys and Girls Learn Differently

At a primary school Manning, a small town 65 miles east of Columbia, South Carolina, second grade teachers Holly Garneau

The Death of My Father

In his death, my father, Glenn Vernon Martin, did something he could not do in life. He brought our family

Denzel Washington Interview: Devoted to Family and Faith

With a pair of Oscars and a paycheck of $20 million a movie, Denzel Washington no longer jumps when the...

Angelina Jolie Interview: Mama!

Angelina Jolie travels at warp speed. Since our last interview, nearly three years ago, she’s tracked more than 100,000 air

Has Job Loss Shaken Your Marriage?

You lose more than a paycheck when you lose a job. Whether you’re downsized or flat-out fired, the financial stress

A Parent’s Worst Nightmare

Doctors said we'd abused our baby. Who would believe us?

Fight Unrealistic Expectations

Don't let your fantasies get in the way of reality.

5 Benefits of Encouraging Your Child’s Imagination

As a parent you might never guess all the ways a good imagination benefits your child. It helps a preschooler:

Jeff Bridges: On Marriage

Jeff Bridges won best actor at the Golden Globe and Screen Actor’s Guild (SAG) awards in 2009 for his portrayal

Big Boys Don’t Cry — and Other Myths About Men and Their Emotions

Who chokes up at sappy movies? Who gets so swept away by excitement that they leap to their feet and

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Why We Love Who We Love

The real reasons why we choose that special someone.