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Food Tips

Just about everyone is strapped for money, time or both. These food tips will help you learn how to save money at the grocery store, keep food fresh for longer and give you a better understanding of all your ingredients.

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The Easy Trick for Keeping Your Avocados Fresh for 6 Months—Really!

After learning how easy this is, you’ll mourn all the browned avocados you’ve had to throw away.

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This Is the REAL Difference Between Butter and Margarine

Yankees or Red Sox. Beatles or Stones. Butter or margarine. As hotly contested debates go, the latter is the most...

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This Could Become the Third-Largest Fast-Food Chain in the U.S.

The chain is set to outpace Subway in terms of sales.

6 Foods to Never Wash Before Cooking

If you think you're getting rid of bacteria by washing these food items, think again.

10 Surprising Secrets About Girl Scout Cookies

We dish up who-knew, fun facts about Girl Scout Cookies, America's most beloved treat.

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This Fast-Food Chain Invented Kids’ Meals—It’s Not McDonald’s

You’ve probably never heard of this chain, but it basically invented fast food as we know it today.

13 Things You Probably Never Knew About Salt

It's been valued as currency and decried as a health hazard, but there's so much more to salt than meets...

13 Foods That Were Invented by Accident

If you love Popsicles, beer, or ice cream cones, you have one of these accidental foodies to thank for stumbling...

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This Is the Safest Bottled Water You Can Buy

Some brands of bottled water are doing more damage than you may realize.

You’re Wasting Your Money if You Throw Out These 10 Cuts of Meat

Instead of tossing all those mystery meat parts that aren't specifically in your recipe, save some money and cook them...

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The Most Addicting Foods on the Planet

Chips, chocolate, cheese. There are some foods we simply can't get enough of. And turns out there's good reason why...

13 Things to Make with a Bundt Pan That Aren’t Cake

Put that bundt pan to work with these ideas for unexpected recipes, crafts, and decor.

Why You Should Always Store Apples in the Fridge

Trust us, they'll last a lot longer.

9 Items in Your Kitchen That Could Be Worth Money

What's taking up space in your kitchen could be someone else's treasure.

15 Best Diet Plans to Lose Weight Fast

These diet plans have been singled out for fast weight loss by U.S. News & World Reports. We picked our...

The 25 Best Frozen Foods You Need from Trader Joe’s

Just when you thought Trader Joe's couldn't get any better—you walk down the frozen food aisle. Here's what to look...

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13 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Cheesecake Factory’s Cheesecake

You'll never be able to memorize the restaurant's 250-item menu, but you won't forget these sweet facts.

13 Common Foods That Could Secretly Contain Insects

If the thought of eating bugs makes you squirm, we have some bad news: You have probably been chowing down...

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The Best Restaurant Deals at Your Favorite Chains

Eating out doesn't have to break the bank.

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13 Things You Should Always Buy at Kroger

When it comes to grocery basics, this nationwide value chain is right up there with Walmart and Aldi in terms...

This Is the Real Flavor Difference Between Pepsi and Coca-Cola

No, your taste buds aren't playing tricks on you! Despite their similar qualities, there is an actual difference.

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13 Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Panda Express

Learn about the founders' sweet story, innovations at its live test kitchen, and more surprising facts from America's biggest Chinese...

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The Ingredient You’re Probably Not Adding to Your Eggs—But Should

Professional chefs swear by this genius tip—and here's why you should, too.

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10 Fast Food Items Coming to Your Favorite Restaurant Next Year

Smothered fries, maple bacon burgers, and vegan chicken and tacos? Fast food is going fast gourmet with these new options.

The Real Reason Ben & Jerry’s Tastes So Good

It involves a secret ingredient you never knew about.

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This Is What Dunkin’ Donuts Was Called When It First Opened

Dunkin' Donuts announced it was changing its name in January 2019. But can you guess what it was originally called?